***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Wow, Biden made up about 120,000 votes in Wisconsin and is actually leading now! That is extremely encouraging, looks like the mail-in ballots really are heavily pro-Biden.

My hope is that the mail-in votes even from these red counties, which people are assuming will help Trump, will actually break for Biden or at least be extremely close. I might be able to sleep okay tonight, after all. Maybe.
I don't really believe any #'s I see, but someone said that 75%+ of the absentee ballots in WI, MI and PA were Democratic and considering that this just happened, maybe that # was accurate.

Also, Biden is up 30k votes in WI, they left out 10k from another county.

we’re seeing it country wide, democrats voted heavily through mail and republicans voted heavily in person

but you have states like texas where the mail votes were counted 1st and then that lead got ran down.. now you got this these Northern states eith the mail in votes on the backend

just gotta hope it’s enough and then it’s the locations.. like Georgia with the outstanding votes
NC would put him at 269 (after taking NV).

PA,GA, MI are the focus. I have more faith in ATL coming through. Hopefully they dried those ballots and fixed that water pipe by now.

You're right, totally forgot NC was only 15, my bad.

I have a feeling he might flip both MI and PA, we'll see.
NC would put him at 269 (after taking NV).

PA,GA, MI are the focus. I have more faith in ATL coming through. Hopefully they dried those ballots and fixed that water pipe by now.

He's not winning NC. MI will get him to 270 if WI and NV holds.
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