***Official Political Discussion Thread***

40 minutes until we get to see that big chunk coming in for Milwaukee county. I need to see that at least before tapping out
If he doesn't win PA, is pretty much over.
Can we stop saying this? I've seen it a dozen times in the past hour.

Biden just needs to win 2 out of 4 between Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, assuming he holds on in Arizona and Nevada (which would take a miracle for Trump to pull off at this point).

Biden's chances are best in Wisconsin and Michigan. If he wins Pennsylvania, that probably means he won all 4 and is at 300 electoral votes. But he doesn't need that many. He just needs 2 of those states.
Now they're saying 5 a.m... I may call it a night.
yep, just saw that. Dont think I can keep this up. If I go to sleep, I won't get good sleep and will probably wake up every 2 hours to see. But if I wait, I will get an excellent 5 hours of straight sleep.
Lol man I went to fox news for a few minutes and they're not even well spoken over theree. They're stumbling over their words over there
Biden really may have **** the bed in PA. How does Hilary do better than him in Phildelphia county?
Biden might still win PA

Even the fox News ppl think it's possible. They don't sound happy about it of course 🤔

There's 1.5 mil outstanding votes to be counted and depending on how those outstanding votes break, dems may be able to make the difference in gap... Especially since those 1.5 mil in votes left are mail in ballots.
Well, as expected, this did not get decided before sunrise of November 4th.

My super tentative guess would be that after everything gets counted, Biden will win AZ, PA, WI, MI, NC and maybe GA. Every aspect of COVID has become a cultural signifier right down to how we vote. There should be massive tranches of Democratic ballots coming into the picture on election day. I also believe that Democrats will have a 51 or 52 seat majority in the Senate after the dust settles.

No matter the eventual winner, there are few things I can glean from the results so far.

Elites from various communities cannot always read the mood of a community let alone direct its poorer members' voting. In 2018, white conservatives swore that they knew what was happening in the suburbs and among the white working class and they told us that they knew how to win the the suburbs and win the midterms. They did not.

In the 2020 primaries, people like myself got obliterated because all of us leftist academics and journalists and lawyers thought we knew how young people and marginal voters would vote and we could marshal them for Bernie. It failed.

In this general election, a lot of Black and Latino and Asian politicians, academics, executives and lawyers and journalists swore they could wield the entire black community with robust enough turnout and margins that they could not only vanquish Trump. It turns out that the crime bill talk from Trump (as hypocritical and disingenuous though it may have been) worked to depress some working class , male, minority turnout and even flip some over to Trump. Maybe some were swayed by the idea of lower taxes and entreprenuership. If your preospects of white collar, remunerative work are limited and the political establishment says that your ultimately responsible for making a decent life for yourself, the hail mary of starting your own business can guide your politics. Some were swayed by the fact that Kamala perhaps reminded them of the female, educated minority judge or prosecutor who has them drowsing in judicial debt for some misdemeanor five years ago.

In the abstract, sure we should not create hierarchies of hierarchies and every aspect of one's identity is equally valid and so on. But clearly some marginalized peoples' own experiences don't work that way. A lot of Black and Latino men at the bottom of the class totem pole let that direct their politics, some go left but a lot go no voter and some gravitate to the right's male identity politics. Those men didn't care about a black VP. If you're struggling economically, it makes sense to cling to your identity as a man.

Our consumerist, highly atomized society considers manhood and success on the terms of the experience white men during the labor peace of the mid 20th century. In other words, you either have the big house with the picket fence or you ain't **** and you must be lazy and maybe effeminate. You, however, work hard. You are a strong and virile man but your material circumstances do not reflect this. How do I, in this position, resolve this contradiction? In that position, what is more satisfying? being told that you have to learn or code or being told that you're good but the blue haired, college educated "SJWs," who work, in HR are holding you back? Male and anti college/SJW identity politics win, to some degree at least, and it is not just white dudes and a handful of "Uncle Toms" and "white washed Asians/Latinos" who find this style of politics attractive.

To be clear, I'm not saying that Biden should just move left or that Bernie would be romping tonight. Every Democratic Presidential candidate has to deal with voter suppress and the deeply undemocratic, rural and white empowering nature of our Republic. Biden faced a double bind, how to win the economic "winners" while bringing along the economic "losers"? I think that the Biden campaign did not consider his situation to be a double bind. His campaign acted like the "losers" had no where else to go and he had to focus like a laser on the "winners." Meanwhile, that leaves you open to spurious but convincing-to-some, micro-targeted appeals to some of the "losers" in your coalition.

I feel bad because every marginalized person reading this deserves so much better. You guys deserve better than tonight, you guys deserve better than what would happen if Biden won forty States and the Democrats got 60 Senate seats. Heck, You guys deserve better than what a President Bernie and compliant Congress could have delivered.

In some left circles we say "kill the capitalist in the your head." I also believe that all of us need to also murk the patriarch and and the colonizer/collaborator in our heads (some much more than others, of course). I think we need to add a new target. Let's all kill the pundit in our heads as well. Let's all try to build as much power within and outside electoral politics while understanding that elections are often times unpredictable things. Let's do the very best we can, where we are, and with we have and then ignore the polls and just hope. Hope, after all, is a praxis.
Biden might still win PA

Even the fox News ppl think it's possible. They don't sound happy about it of course 🤔

There's 1.5 mil outstanding votes to be counted and depending on how those outstanding votes break, dems may be able to make the difference in gap... Especially since those 1.5 mil in votes left are mail in ballots.
I was optimistic until I saw some of the remaining counties who have a huge amount of votes left to count and they lean republican. Theres a good mix of both democratic and republican county left to be counted. Its not all democratic like I hoped.
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