***Official Political Discussion Thread***

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FOX News is on some crazy ish. Not gonna announce Biden as President elect when he wins cause of the law suits? :smh:
He keeps saying "It's not a game" but HE'S the one treating it like it is! He's acting like the Clippers lost so now he can just put on a Lakers jersey and be a "fan" and everything's cool, but it's not. You made decisions that affected people's lives. You supported racists. You supported PEDOPHILES. And now you're gonna act like it never happened and go "We're all in this together guys!"? **** you. You're just like Trump. You just want to feel like you're a winner, even when you've lost. Try being a goddamn man and live with your failure. All that conviction, gone in a night. Disgusting.
"This isn't sports!"
"I guess my strategy of betting on this team despite the negatives didn't workout so let's change with the analytics and bet that way"
The SQUAD just got a fifth player in a position of power. If anything happens to Biden, and I expect that it will, Harris is about to have LeBron type control up in this piece. Stacy Abrams as Governor in the heart of confederacy, will be something special.
Speaking of coal... a lot of my family members were/still are coal miners down here in Southern IL. I'm not gonna name them or the mine but they all know it's a dying industry... they're hardly even selling anything atm, most of the coal they are mining now just sits and self combust.


Also he deals with racism on the regular... there is a giant Trump flag over the entrance of the mine, he told me he found a noose in his locker once. I told him a company with 200+ companies cannot try to push their political agenda on their employees but it's hard to prove when you can't take your phone with you underground. There are only 3-4 black employees in the entire company and have of them are my cousins and the other 2 are mixed. They even convinced their employees not to vote on the fair tax bill, saying that if it passed he was going to shut down the mine. So glad I never got into that life of hard physical labor and mental slavery, but the days of mining coal are numbered and they all know this.

Q2 of 2020 was probably the worst quarter for coal ever. big portions of revenue were from companies paying NOT to take the coal they were contracted to

it's been over and Trump/GOP did little to change that except making it easier to harm the environment and provide corporate tax relief (as if coal companies have owed any federal tax in YEARS)

and still, these companies will shamefully try to convince their employees with lies instead of helping them face the unfortunate reality of a dying industry
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