***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I am not America.. I do not live in the US.. and I am not currently in the US

but only 1 of the 2 candidates has even addressed the virus publicly since or people being out publicly and steps that currently can be taken (like wearing masks)

the last thing I remember trump saying on the virus is that on November 4th the media would stop talking about it

actually i lie, trump said phizer was part of the plot against him

this dudes ego is unreal. He really thinks the entire world functions around his existence.
You know what this is pointless man

I have never seen such an idiotic person control the emotions of both supporters & detractors like this.
Again, say what you want to say. You’re talking in circles. Spit it out instead of coming here looking flabby and weak
people acknowledged that, ultimately, going out and celebrating in large mobs was counterproductive to reducing spread of covid. they've also noted that, even though counterproductive to stated goals, they did maintain certain measures to limit spread during celebration i.e. being outdoors and wearing masks. what you're doing is basically what clay travis does: "lebron cares about social justice in america, but doesn't care about social justice china so he must not really care about social justice at all". you showed those liberals that you're onto them not practicing what they preach 100% of the time. that must mean they don't really care about covid right?

the reason you're getting side-eyed like this is because this isn't the first time you've clutched your pearls about "hypocrisy of the left" for seemingly no other reason than to be a contrarian. you're basically delk with more laughing emojis and worse grammar.

Your so embedded in this **** that you think someone who challenges the lefts motives & intentions is solely doing it to be a "contrarian" :lol: .
Your so embedded in this **** that you think someone who challenges the lefts motives & intentions is solely doing it to be a "contrarian" :lol: .
Your *** is a contrarian though

Also, yeah, you need to step your grammar game up a little dude. Didn't want to be an *******, but since reformeDWS reformeDWS pointed it out. :lol:
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Affordable health care, livable wages, racial justice, preservation of the planet.

Absolute psychos.

he’s probably referring to court packing, eliminating filibuster, changing electoral college system and adding states.....which can reasonably be debated and argued as being far left ideas, certainly not moderate. Not saying I agree with Rubio just saying these proposals could be considered radical
he’s probably referring to court packing, eliminating filibuster, changing electoral college system and adding states.....which can reasonably be debated and argued as being far left ideas, certainly not moderate. Not saying I agree with Rubio just saying these proposals could be considered radical

Nah he was going at people protesting police brutality and social injustice.
Yeah don't let the fear mongering get to you. Even the twitter journalists are hyping this up to get more followers, retweets, exposure, etc. No matter how reckless dude is, the courts allowing him to overturn electoral votes in states where he lost by 40k+ votes will result in rioting never before seen in America.
For all the sexiest things that were said about Hillary and women generally in political leadership and just generally it’s hilarious how emotional this Oompa Loompa is

but I’m sure dwalk31 dwalk31 got something to say about Biden
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