***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bro.....trump camp called for another georgia recount hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha
He going for the three peat fam

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They’re not perfect by any means, but time and time again our courts have saved us from Trump doing serious damage. It’s amazing the unequivocal beat downs his lawyers are taking daily. I hope sanctions come soon, because this is a huge waste of time and money, and a mockery of our democracy.
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Ok, cool

But I don't think you have come close to putting forward a cogent argument on the topic.

Especially since the thing you cite as the way the Dems can show they are not taking black voters for granted, they are already doing that.

I have.
It's only not cogent when you take fragments of it out of context.
Erza Klein liked that tweet though. :lol:

If it is just that as a founder prevented him from being afforded freedom to speak his mind (which is kinda laughable given how long dude been running his mouth while at Vox) , then just say that. Using the Emily situation, specially her behavior, was just seems like a **** example at best, or some bad faith BS at worst.

I never came close to arguing Matt is not within his rights to leave Vox for what he views as a better situation. Pretty sure I took issue with the self serving way he has been trying to frame the situation. If Matty Boy got a safe space he likes now, then good for him.

Dude said he was told that by management.He said on twitter at one point Ezra told him hes gotta have a statesmen tone in public I believe.

So maybe he's lying I dunno but I don't know why he would. It all seems reasonable an pretty obvious to me.

Yeah I just don't think it's all that "self serving" to explain why you left. I think the criticsms of the media are valid and the tensions he describes are pretty obvious.

Now what side you come down on the whole speech vs harm debate and how that effects running a media company t hat's up to you to decide

but dude is an opinion writer I do not find it "self serving" that he gives his opinion about his last high profit job.

it's not like he went Glenn Greenwald or insulted a bunch of people on the way out. :lol:
The republicans have def not hit their ceiling yet with black voters
That's where I disagree with you. Trump is NOT the typical Republican politician in the sense that Trump offers you with a buffet of (often contradictory) ideas in his public statements, and the public is left to interpret what he truly means. The fact that he has been all over the place in public life (from appearances with and shout outs from street dudes to mingling with old money) played in his favor. Basically, he is the personification of plausible deniability, and Republicans don't have someone else like him who can fool minorities into supporting them that easily.
Big picture, 2020 Trump had pretty much the same, as Ta-Nehisi Coates put it in 2016, vast, white coalition as the last time around. The GOP is neither a workers’ party nor is it a multi racial party nor will it become that any time soon.

That said, every part of the Democratic coalition should be concerned that in such a high turnout election, Democrats didn’t romp. With this turnout and with a Republican incumbent facing a huge crisis of his own making, like 2008, but not getting 2008 results should be of grave concern.
The variable that is different between 2008 and 2020 is the level of misinformation.

It doesn't surprise me that Nov 3rd was quiet from a cyber security perspective; the pillars of the Democratic system (truth and trust) have been infected long before that date. QAnon believers being elected to Congress and Republicans trying to undermine the transition are just the first symptoms of the disease were finally noticing. This is not just a Democrat problem; it's an "every decent American that's left" problem.
Dude said he was told that by management.He said on twitter at one point Ezra told him hes gotta have a statesmen tone in public I believe.

So maybe he's lying I dunno but I don't know why he would. It all seems reasonable an pretty obvious to me.

Yeah I just don't think it's all that "self serving" to explain why you left. I think the criticsms of the media are valid and the tensions he describes are pretty obvious.

Now what side you come down on the whole speech vs harm debate and how that effects running a media company t hat's up to you to decide

but dude is an opinion writer I do not find it "self serving" that he gives his opinion about his last high profit job.

it's not like he went Glenn Greenwald or insulted a bunch of people on the way out. :lol:
Like I said, seems like you are a big fan of dude, so you are taking his word on the situation

Which is fine. I don't have to though

But I am pretty sure I called him giving a version of events that doesn't really align with what happened self serving. Plus giving those interviews about said departure to certain people, and his co-workers are pushing back on his characterization.

My issue with him is not just that he has an opinion on his departure. Nor that he wanted to be in a situation with more editorial independence

I am happy to admit he is nowhere as bad as Glenn Greenwald. That is why I was much more critical of Glenn Greenwald's antics.

I mean at the end of the day, I really just called Matt fragile.
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