***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don’t think white America really understands what it’s like watching this as a non-white person. It’s traumatizing enough just seeing as an American. But then it hurts even more to see disgusting filthy privilege waved in our faces.
The footage of all these people on the Capitol stairs is a sight I thought I'd never see.

Think of what America's enemies are thinking watching this. Not a good look.
How long before the shooting starts? Because inevitably it will with these MAGA clowns. :smh:
Dudes were posting and leaving messages to their families on some 'ready to die' **** a few days back in the leadup to this...

It's a legit death cult at this stage so even though the blue boys are trying their damndest not to hurt their brethren, I don't see how it doesn't end up getting ugly with the way they've allowed it to escalate and escalate
really going let america burn down over donald trump

the man who cant even drink water properly

Propaganda. These dudes ain’t no threat, just trying to make headlines. Cops could billy club them into submission whenever they feel like.
Propaganda. These dudes ain’t no threat, just trying to make headlines. Cops could billy club them into submission whenever they feel like.
On C-SPAN they keep going on about tear gas and the camera clearly shows a guy shooting directly at the camera with a fire extinguisher
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Why arnt they getting shot? Yet some1 jumps over the white house fence and they quickly get shot. What if they have bombs.
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