***Official Political Discussion Thread***

These dumb ****s deserve this

These crazy white terrorists been a threat for 4 years.

All these idiots on media outlets on both sides talking about "Who would've ever thought this could happen?" **** outta here.

Trump sending tweets instead of any real action.

None of this is surprising to me. A bunch of crazy white terrorists believing the most insane ****
How did they get in the Capitol THAT easy?!

And, as the wise Donald told us, we can't just take out the terrorists. WE HAVE TO TAKE OUT THEIR FAMILIES AS WELL.
I know it's not PC but we need to have a discussion on why white people are so violent.
Is it cultural? Genetic? I think we should study the shape of their skulls for answers.
Maybe it is the country music? All that Blake Shelton is glorifying this kind of violence.

Also, I think it might be the lack of white fathers in the household.
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I'm about an hour behind what's going on. Are they shooting people? Is the riot gear coming out? Are these people being called thugs?
Dudes just standing outside the capital like it’s a lunch break and ZERO law enforcement is coming. Shoot them
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