***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i mean I associated it with cheating for a min anyways....


If those ghouls were in our neighborhoods and attacking or intimidating marginalized people, they’d get smacked but my anarchist comrades are not intervening to protect the seat of federal power. Even they wanted to, the minute people with black sweat suits, ski masks and black flags is the minute that the authorities would start using tear gas and live ammunition.

The feds can put out this fire on their own. Going forward and seeing how fantastical the right wing is and how sympathetic most law enforcement is towards towards the right, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Jamal Bowman, AOC etc. might want to consider having a personal security detail of, if not antifa, socialists and communists who are veterans and who know how to use a gun.

You're right.

Yet, even if its on the feds now, that doesn't mean they'll do much.

That's why history has responded with movement such as Antifa, the German resistance to Nazism at the times, Guerillas in third world countries. Leaving it to the enabler won't do any good.

It's not like America is going to change following today, but it could be greatly stirred ... with a little more help.

They will get a stronger security detail.

American politics looking more and more like Colombian politics in the 90s. Sweet. Strip the integrity of everything and let China rule.
So, I think it is time to remember this, because she got too close....

Connecticut woman Miriam Carey suffered 'postpartum depression' after having baby before crashing White House gate, mom says

There was horror on the Hill when a crazed Connecticut woman who tried to ram her way into the White House was shot and killed Thursday after leading police on a high-speed chase through the heart of Washington.
Two police officers were injured trying to stop Miriam Carey, but the year-old baby girl she took along on her death ride somehow survived, police said.

JRepp23 JRepp23 , racism was so long ago, right?
This bum on NBC saying he was talking down the terrorists shaking hands. Savannah guthrie didn't even challenge him

while saying both sides have fanned this, it's because of antifa, he still loves the President.

He is having a hard time believing they're true trump supporters cause they're not the violent ones.

Flashback to DC and the Capitol stocked with the National guard during BLM protests last summer...







Qwhite the difference...
Now from today...




Nonviolent protests for justice = big no-no

Armed and violent nsurrectionists storming and breaking into the Capitol = boys will be boys
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That's the backlash America deserves for all the instability, violence and deaths it caused in Latin America and the Middle East (at least). And what happened today is nothing compared to what Syrians endure every day.

That was a perfect pilot episode today, hope they will continue the show, really eager to see next episodes :rofl:
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