***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I have no hope in Trump or anyone involved with him ever suffering any consequences for their actions.

They're just going to let it play out and hope he goes away.

No charges or anything he did or his family.

Wish it would be otherwise but lawmakers will say it will only incite his base and cause more division.

whether the nation's leadership accepts it or not remains to be seen, but if everybody at that little watch party isn't permanently escorted off the playground then the next guy to try it will be successful.

no two ways about that.
You defended him yesterday.

george shrug 2.gif

I did no such thing.

Even back when I supported Trump I came in here consistently and highlighted statements and actions by him that were indefensible and that I disagreed with.
First off Mathew Yglesias, aka Leftist Andrew Sullivan. I don't know what it is about being short, white, fat, and bald, that makes these dudes so fragile and want to be sarcastic asses all the time...
That’s like the trifecta of fragility - short fat bald. I’ve been tall slim had hair and confident for most of my life, but now that the baldness is starting even I feel some fragility coming along with it. :lol:
Make no mistake, his support didn't "end" until it was clearly out of reach, he voted for Trump and was with it through election day and beyond. Terming it "months" to intentionally make it sound principled and longer ago than it was is disingenuous as hell.

You’ve made up in your mind that I voted for him. But it seems people like to say that instead of just saying I supported him.

But how would you have me word it?

I stopped supporting him in November?

I stopped supporting him last year?

I stopped supporting him when it was clear that Biden won and the focus should shift to flipping the Senate?

However you prefer I word it, I’ll do it from now on. Just let me know.

I am not shying away from my prior support. But I am also not shying away from the fact that I no longer support him. Both can be true.
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They told me minorities can't love this country as much as white people though. Must be a spy faking his patriotism all for the prosperity of his home country Koreatown

or he’s just being a decent human being..

or maybe his parents r whoever just raised him right..

best example I got is people in a gym.. most there to lift to weights anyways, but look how many people don’t pick up the weights to put em back
or he’s just being a decent human being..

or maybe his parents r whoever just raised him right..

best example I got is people in a gym.. most there to lift to weights anyways, but look how many people don’t pick up the weights to put em back
It was sarcasm good sir
It was sarcasm good sir

i know..

but that 1 thing bugs the hell out of me and doesn’t make sense

like think of it as an extra rep or something

like I got free membership to this upscale hotel which gave me free access to a nice gym.. worked for me because it was a decent size and had nice stuff plus hotel staff regularly cleaned it.. so I’m in there least 4 days out of the week, they had 3 different types of free weights.. As my warmup, I would just put everything back and properly organize shhh AND without fail it would be a mess again by time I was back in there
I’ve been trying to research and see if Trump can still pardon people or if he’s lost his powers. I’ve seen some places say he lost that authority but I haven’t seen anything definitive. I saw that Trump still has to get pardons approved by executive power so I don’t know how it works.

It would be crazy to let him do anything.

I’m pretty sure he still has that power as he’s still the president.
Serious question,

There’s an old coworker who I get into it with on FB once in while, who before Trumpism, I used to view as a sensible Republican. I tried asking him to address the impact Q has had on our politics and he refuses to answer saying “the only people who talk about that are fools.” I said back that it’s a very large problem when Trump has promoted it and how ever many republicans who have promoted it have ran for and won government positions.

Am I right in thinking it’s a very real problem?
I just feel like Republicans refuse to acknowledge the effect it has and write it off as “only weirdos follow that” when they problem buy into it themselves.
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Am I right in thinking it’s a very real problem?
I just feel like Republicans refuse to acknowledge the affect it has and write it off as “only weirdos follow that” when they problem buy into it themselves.
It’s a huge problem. But Republicans are so afraid to lose Trump’s base that they won’t directly address it. From Pizzagate to Q, right wing conspiracies are a major threat to the safety of this country.
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