***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This was supposed to be the Curry vs Curry game :smh:

What’s up with Seth? He been hurt for a minute. Shorty was set to break out this year. He had a hell of a year last year.

Whatever happened to the whole 'States' rights' spiel? It doesn't seem to have nearly as much bearing when corporations are involved and want to go through with certain plans/legislation unopposed...>D
Another thing about Ryan's message about reproducing more...

Really this is the only thing that could save the country from inevitably turning more brown and subsequently (due to the right's bigotry) more liberal.

So you keep abortion and preventative measures out of your prime voter factories and tell them to plop more babies to eventually go to the polls and vote against their best interests 18 years later
Another thing about Ryan's message about reproducing more...

Really this is the only thing that could save the country from inevitably turning more brown and subsequently (due to the right's bigotry) more liberal.

So you keep abortion and preventative measures out of your prime voter factories and tell them to plop more babies to eventually go to the polls and vote against their best interests 18 years later
That’s a flawed strategy though, because most young Americans are having less kids not because of education (although a factor), but because of financial cost of even having one.
For him to say that there will be more tax cuts if you have more kids is stupid, because those cuts you save are essentially washed out by the expenses you spend on your kids.

This really only benefits rich people with large families.
Poor people still gonna get ****** regardless.

what the **** is wrong with this person?

we need more people? what is he talking about? he's not making any sense.

what he should have said is we need more WHITE people! who is going to mine the coal mines if we don't have more WHITE people? who is going to get angry about women at trump rallies if we don't have more WHITE people? who is going to get upset about athletes kneeling for the anthem if not for more WHITE people? who is going to make certain we are the laughing stock of the world without more WHITE people? who is going to overcompensate by buying lots of guns if not for WHITE people?

Ryan, stop with the coded language and say the truth! #coalgoals #barson2020 #whiteshavemorebabies #condomdontstayonwhitepeople
People really need to realize how ******* dangerous and disgusting Paul Ryan really is.

His three major policy goal are: a) Stripping health insurance from the poor and lower middle class. b) Giving the wealthy a tax cut. c) cutting the Social safet net for the most needy Americans.

This is a man whose family survived on social security when his father died as a teenager. Since he was under 18 he received money directed and used that money for college. And who most of his life been making a living in the public sector. His family built their wealth off of receiving government contracts. His entire damn life has been made possible by federal government aid.And in return he has made it his life goal to deny others the same help. He is a vile hypocrite just like his idol Ayn Rand.

He hypocrisy is so rampant I can't even cover it all. Him being against the stimulus but asking for stimulus money to fund projects in his districts, projects he ran on for reelection. Calling for extensive hearings when the ACA was being debated, yet rushing votes to repeal the ACA with any hearings. Crying about the deficit to attack Obama, but ready and willing to blow it up to give the rich a tax break.

People worry a lot about white nationalist like Trump, evangelical idiots like Cruz, delusional libertarians like Paul, and that is justified. Those fools want to and will expand the system of white supremacy, and income inequality. Also it is good that many other conservatives mock these fools nonsense (even though they are complicit in giving them a platform and power). However, the conservative establishment will wax poetic about Ryan's plans. The Frums, Brooks, and others will act like Paul Ryan nonsense is principled and reasonable. It is not.

Ryan's ideology, which is a combo of trickle down economics austerity, is plain and simple economic terrorism on anyone that it not rich and well connected. It will further inequality, strengthen white supremacy, halt and reverse any progress for women, and condemn millions to death, financial and physical. Ryan is an idiot, a hypocrite, a economic charlatan and a all around unprincipled scumbag. And if people claim he is not, then it is only right he be labeled a sexist, a bigot and a tyrant.

The GOP will not cease being ****, and American's lower classes will not be safe until people that think and act and like Paul Ryan are viewed as just as unacceptable as a bumbling bigot like Trump.
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