***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I do however believe that becoming President was the biggest mistake of his life...

He put his shady past under a microscope. He thought this would take the Trump empire to the next level, but it'll be what crumbles it. He can't get out of the way of his own ego. Dude been running scams for decades and now the feds are on his back. And not just any feds, the damn super-feds. His kids are gonna get indicted, that **** is inevitable. Once that happens all hell will break loose.
Boths sides are the same is completely false. Got one side still thinking their work experience at Kmart let’s them know all blacks steal and that Mexicans are only good for cleaning

One side hates all colored people the other side is against hate of colored people, “but you both still hate something right??”

They’re the same like a wall and a garden is the same “still a wall doe!!!”
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So, yesterday, I witnessed some HS MAGA boys yell at a Punjab couple walking to "**** of our country" as they drove by. :smh:
Jeez dude... I'm not even going to correct you. Stupid is as stupid does... Ya'll really like showing how stupid you are.... You serious with that post? If so, you may need to read a book about the different types of government if you know how to read. :smh: As the famous Korean grocer said in Menace II Society... "I feel sorry for your mother..."

And speaking of female presidents, or chancellor in this case, Germany's Merkel has been widely derided in her country for her inclusion of immigrants but here are some facts that were just released -

- 3/4 of the new immigrants have done or doing German courses.
- 33% have learned to speak German or very good German, up from 18%.
- 35% are working officially. There is a large contingent working "under the table" but that data isn't available.

And most importantly, from 2011 through 2016, immigrants/migrants have added €35 billion to the German economy.

Source - @DIW_Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research)
Come on @psk :lol:

I was especially impressed by the outpouring of public support for the immigrants, during the height of the migration crisis, by Bayern Munich. Opening their stadium to immigrants to ensure that they're taken care of, physically and mentally, was one of the most righteous acts I've seen a public-facing entity do. I couldn't even fathom the idea of Jerry Jones opening his stadium to poor, scared migrants fleeing a different crisis.
This is how many of the discussions go on one of the anti-trump pages I run... This is normal. This was from about a week ago when Cardi B posted the video about the shutdown...

This doesn't negate what I said. Ignorant people certainly exist on both sides of the political spectrum.

Both sides folks

What the Senate bill would do
The Senate bill, which has been dubbed the Fair Compensation for Low-Wage Contractor Employees Act, would require federal agencies to work directly with companies that contract to them in order to provide back pay for the employees caught up in the shutdown.

As Smith has explained, federal agencies have already allocated money in their budgets to cover contractor costs that have not been doled out because of the shutdown. Her bill would simply ask these agencies to pay out what they would have spent anyway.

“If you think about it, they’re paying people for work they would have done but for the shutdown,” Smith said. “In many cases, that money was already budgeted; it just hasn’t been spent.”

The bill is especially focused on providing full back pay for low-wage individuals, but would also offer some compensation for higher-income earners, according to Smith’s spokesperson. Agencies could provide workers up to $965 per week in back pay, if the bill passes.

The legislation would also create a special account to pay out these funds, the senator said, noting that it expands a mechanism that already exists for reimbursing contractors for shutdown costs.

Agencies could actually pay contractors without any legislation
While legislation could help codify the practice of repaying federal contractors after a shutdown, agencies could actually directly pay out these contracts without any legislation at all, according to a union representative.

“The public should be aware that agencies do in fact have the ability to immediately and single-handedly provide workers back pay, without forcing members of Congress into the long and uphill battle of passing legislation,” said Jaime Contreras, a vice president of 32BJ SEIU, a union representing building services workers. “In this way, federal agencies are holding a lifeline to rescue workers who are drowning in bills through no fault of their own. Agencies must fulfill their moral and financial obligation to repay workers for a shutdown these men and women had nothing to do with.”

The Office of Management and Budget could direct agencies to examine their budgets and determine how much it would cost to cover contractor wages that were not paid out during the shutdown, the union representative added.

Prior to the end of the shutdown, House and Senate Democrats had urged OMB to do just that.

“Government contracts typically have provisions to modify the terms of the contract,” they wrote. “Federal contracting officers should use these provisions to work with contractors to provide back pay for employees who lost wages as a result of the government shutdown.”

OMB did not immediately respond to a request for comment and Van Hollen said lawmakers haven’t heard back from the agency.

As things stand right now, both the administration and Congress are leaving contractors in the lurch.
So these POS deplorable maga supporters attacked Empire star (fox show) Jussie Smollett by physically beating him, tying a noose around his neck, calling him racist & homophobic names, & then dousing him with what's being called an "unknown chemical"... They also sent him a threatening letter before this incident to with maga written on the message. What is wrong with you people!?!?!
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What angers me is how unqualified he is. He knows NOTHING.
Allow me to correct this falsehood about the Teflon Don.

Trump has a very, very, large brain and China has total respect for it.

Trump also has one of the great memories of all time.

Trump knows words, he has the best words.

Trump is more humble than perhaps you would understand

There is nobody bigger or better than Trump at the military

Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals do

Nobody knows more about campaign finance than Trump does, because he is the biggest contributor

Trump knows about the economy better than the Federal Reserve

One of the greatest of all terms Trump has come up with is 'fake'

If you take a poll in the FBI, Trump would win that poll by more than anybody's won a poll

Nobody has better respect for intelligence than Trump

Nobody builds walls better than Trump

Trump knows more about courts than any human being on Earth

Trump is the least racist person reporters have ever interviewed

Nobody is better to people with disabilities than Trump

Trump understands social media. He understands the power of Twitter. He understands the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on his results

Nobody has done so much for equality as Trump has

There is nobody that respects women more than Trump does

Trump knows more about renewables than any human being on earth

Nobody understands the horror of nuclear better than Trump

Trump would give himself an A+

Nobody knows more about trade than "trade wars are good and easy to win" Trump

Nobody in the history of America has ever known more about infrastructure than Trump

Nobody knows visas better than Trump

Nobody knows much more about technology, this type of drone technology certainly, than Trump does

Trump understands money better than anybody

Trump knows more about Cory Booker than he knows about himself

Nobody knows more about taxes than Trump

Nobody knows more about debt than Trump
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I don't even disagree, it looks bad (there's a level of trust that a politician will never earn from me anyways, and this falls under that) but there's bigger at stake. Still no one has my vote yet, we'll learn more about the candidates as it goes. Only thing I know right now is it's not Trump.

Let me just be clear in case there is any doubt. If it came to Trump vs. Harris at the end I’m picking Harris with no problem. I know that no candidate is perfect and no politician is going to do everything i want or how the way I want.

That being said my criticism about Harris isn’t just about Harris. It’s about how folks jump on and then jump off the fence of being black and only want to identify or cater to blacks to get something from the community and WE don’t get anything in return and how we just get used. This is moreso a lesson for US in the future.

Kamala is wasting time and money running in my opinion. The last election showed America wasnt ready for a white woman president, so you think a black woman will be elected? No chance

Actually champ more Americans voted for Hillary than champ, that’s a fact. As far as Hillary losing the electoral college, she lost it by 3 states. Within those 3 states she lost by a TOTAL of 74,00 or so, which is a NFL football stadium size of people. With all the negativity she faced be it domestic or FOREIGN all signs point and show that America was and is ready for a female President.

Willie Brown is an Alpha and Kamala is an AKA.... Homie used that "Phirst Pham" bond to get them drawsssss dawg.
I aint mad at him at all.

Phi-Skee indeed. Frat still shouldn’t have written an article about it though. That’s bad macking right there and I can’t co-sign frat on that one.

Took that pic fresh out the chair.

“Just got a fresh cut....now we looking for the freaks!!”
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