What angers me is how unqualified he is. He knows NOTHING.
Allow me to correct this falsehood about the Teflon Don.
Trump has a very, very, large brain and China has total respect for it.
Trump also has one of the great memories of all time.
Trump knows words, he has the best words.
Trump is more humble than perhaps you would understand
There is nobody bigger or better than Trump at the military
Trump knows more about ISIS than the generals do
Nobody knows more about campaign finance than Trump does, because he is the biggest contributor
Trump knows about the economy better than the Federal Reserve
One of the greatest of all terms Trump has come up with is 'fake'
If you take a poll in the FBI, Trump would win that poll by more than anybody's won a poll
Nobody has better respect for intelligence than Trump
Nobody builds walls better than Trump
Trump knows more about courts than any human being on Earth
Trump is the least racist person reporters have ever interviewed
Nobody is better to people with disabilities than Trump
Trump understands social media. He understands the power of Twitter. He understands the power of Facebook maybe better than almost anybody, based on his results
Nobody has done so much for equality as Trump has
There is nobody that respects women more than Trump does
Trump knows more about renewables than any human being on earth
Nobody understands the horror of nuclear better than Trump
Trump would give himself an A+
Nobody knows more about trade than "trade wars are good and easy to win" Trump
Nobody in the history of America has ever known more about infrastructure than Trump
Nobody knows visas better than Trump
Nobody knows much more about technology, this type of drone technology certainly, than Trump does
Trump understands money better than anybody
Trump knows more about Cory Booker than he knows about himself
Nobody knows more about taxes than Trump
Nobody knows more about debt than Trump