OFFICIAL Post your 2010 Tax Refund

Originally Posted by Kingtre

QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.

your statement is prob more ignorant....

there's always two extremes....WHOHOO im getting 5k back, let me withdraw it and take pix for facebook then go to the club...or blah blah i didnt give the gov a loan blah blah

its not always THAT clear cut...

some people hardly work but get all kinds of benefits from the gov and have kids or whatever so they end up getting big returns....some people are students that get handled differently as well-

and yes its a well known fact that if you do the correct calculations you should have your money during the year instead of in one lump sum at tax time...BUT for some this is a form of forced saving...that amount that adds up would prob be spent if the person is not financially responsbile so its not 1 to1 that they would have that same lump sum amount if they didnt have it withheld...and to assume anyone can take the money and "invest" it is silly...

again there's a huge grey area between black and white so u cant just assume a big refund = ignorance

for a person that is financially responsible and all means get it down as close to zero or negative as you can and make that money grow for you during the year...but again its not that simple

exactly like me. i made 8k, but im getting back 1.1k ... how? 350 back from fed, 90 back from state, 400 "make work pay" government program credit, and 396 in "education expenses"
(numbers are rough)
Originally Posted by Kingtre

QFT!  Very few things bug me more than ignorant people loving the fact that they get HUGE refunds.

your statement is prob more ignorant....

there's always two extremes....WHOHOO im getting 5k back, let me withdraw it and take pix for facebook then go to the club...or blah blah i didnt give the gov a loan blah blah

its not always THAT clear cut...

some people hardly work but get all kinds of benefits from the gov and have kids or whatever so they end up getting big returns....some people are students that get handled differently as well-

and yes its a well known fact that if you do the correct calculations you should have your money during the year instead of in one lump sum at tax time...BUT for some this is a form of forced saving...that amount that adds up would prob be spent if the person is not financially responsbile so its not 1 to1 that they would have that same lump sum amount if they didnt have it withheld...and to assume anyone can take the money and "invest" it is silly...

again there's a huge grey area between black and white so u cant just assume a big refund = ignorance

for a person that is financially responsible and all means get it down as close to zero or negative as you can and make that money grow for you during the year...but again its not that simple

exactly like me. i made 8k, but im getting back 1.1k ... how? 350 back from fed, 90 back from state, 400 "make work pay" government program credit, and 396 in "education expenses"
(numbers are rough)
I was too geeked last night to see that my return was accepted by the FEDs last night. I should see the dough next Friday. Gotta thank God for the timing because I need this now. I'm off to start my empire.
I was too geeked last night to see that my return was accepted by the FEDs last night. I should see the dough next Friday. Gotta thank God for the timing because I need this now. I'm off to start my empire.
can anyone shed info on H&R Block, Liberty Tax, and any other companies like so?

ive been lagging on my taxes and my usual accountant isnt an option anymore.

how much would it cost for me
-if im living at home with the parents
-Havent worked since August of 2010. Final hourly pay (around $30)
-No credit
-Not enrolled in school
can anyone shed info on H&R Block, Liberty Tax, and any other companies like so?

ive been lagging on my taxes and my usual accountant isnt an option anymore.

how much would it cost for me
-if im living at home with the parents
-Havent worked since August of 2010. Final hourly pay (around $30)
-No credit
-Not enrolled in school
i made 1200
i honestly prefer to get money back all at once. i wouldn't say i have a problem saving but i makes it a lot easier and i don't need that money asap anyways. plus knowing i have money waiting for me in the beginning of every year is
i made 1200
i honestly prefer to get money back all at once. i wouldn't say i have a problem saving but i makes it a lot easier and i don't need that money asap anyways. plus knowing i have money waiting for me in the beginning of every year is
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