OFFICIAL Post your 2010 Tax Refund

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Don't know about the rest of you, but my refund is mostly going toward a rental property, his and her car repairs, some savings and hopefully a vacation. I have thought about just taking the money throughout the year, but I think I will take the "forced savings" for a few more years. That makes me budget better.
I've been budgeting like hell the past year, and saving a grip.

I don't mind giving the government an interest free loan, not like savings accounts are yielding much anyway.

Plus trying to invest is tough unless you are a snake oil salesman.  I've read a lot on the investing, even tried the stock simulator on Investopedia, and I still don't feel comfortable.  Good thing my boy is a financial analyst and he manages my account, and he just briefs me with updates with why's and how's.

Tax refund is like Christmas for adults,

Christmas- "Why give your kids/family/gf/wife/parents a bunch of gifts on this day when you can give them year round?"
Valentines Day- "Why give your gf/wife/jumpoff a gift this day when you can show your love throughout the year"
Thanksgiving- "Why feast and give thanks on this day, when you should be giving thanks at every meal?"

If you like paying Uncle Sam on 4/15, cool, do you.

I like my refund check, it's not my only form of savings, and I still invest.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

Don't know about the rest of you, but my refund is mostly going toward a rental property, his and her car repairs, some savings and hopefully a vacation. I have thought about just taking the money throughout the year, but I think I will take the "forced savings" for a few more years. That makes me budget better.
I've been budgeting like hell the past year, and saving a grip.

I don't mind giving the government an interest free loan, not like savings accounts are yielding much anyway.

Plus trying to invest is tough unless you are a snake oil salesman.  I've read a lot on the investing, even tried the stock simulator on Investopedia, and I still don't feel comfortable.  Good thing my boy is a financial analyst and he manages my account, and he just briefs me with updates with why's and how's.

Tax refund is like Christmas for adults,

Christmas- "Why give your kids/family/gf/wife/parents a bunch of gifts on this day when you can give them year round?"
Valentines Day- "Why give your gf/wife/jumpoff a gift this day when you can show your love throughout the year"
Thanksgiving- "Why feast and give thanks on this day, when you should be giving thanks at every meal?"

If you like paying Uncle Sam on 4/15, cool, do you.

I like my refund check, it's not my only form of savings, and I still invest.
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Still waiting for my W2 in the mail

 stop waiting and check into it...i think its the law that W2s be out by Jan 31st...some companies get exceptions but i think its rare...check into it

are u doing it yourself? is it a simple return? you can prob get away with doing it using the info from your last paystub of the year
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Still waiting for my W2 in the mail

 stop waiting and check into it...i think its the law that W2s be out by Jan 31st...some companies get exceptions but i think its rare...check into it

are u doing it yourself? is it a simple return? you can prob get away with doing it using the info from your last paystub of the year
First time home buyer credit of $8000 FTW.  Sending all of my paperwork to my accountant this week.

Tax return is going towards my down payment on my new A5.
First time home buyer credit of $8000 FTW.  Sending all of my paperwork to my accountant this week.

Tax return is going towards my down payment on my new A5.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Still waiting for my W2 in the mail

 stop waiting and check into it...i think its the law that W2s be out by Jan 31st...some companies get exceptions but i think its rare...check into it

are u doing it yourself? is it a simple return? you can prob get away with doing it using the info from your last paystub of the year

Supposedly they were supposed to be done by last week because they made errors.

Im thinking that they spend all the tax money they withheld and had to try and comeup with it last minute.

Im in the NYC Carpenters Union so I have a few W2's from different companies.

If it doesnt come in the mail today Im going to call up the company again.    

Aside from them is there anyone else I could talk to ??


They said they should be getting mailed out on Friday.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Still waiting for my W2 in the mail

 stop waiting and check into it...i think its the law that W2s be out by Jan 31st...some companies get exceptions but i think its rare...check into it

are u doing it yourself? is it a simple return? you can prob get away with doing it using the info from your last paystub of the year

Supposedly they were supposed to be done by last week because they made errors.

Im thinking that they spend all the tax money they withheld and had to try and comeup with it last minute.

Im in the NYC Carpenters Union so I have a few W2's from different companies.

If it doesnt come in the mail today Im going to call up the company again.    

Aside from them is there anyone else I could talk to ??


They said they should be getting mailed out on Friday.
Originally Posted by DEpast

Originally Posted by Mo Greene


minimum withholding ftw

Filed single no dependent for me.

Got $338 back Federal.
Owed $92 on State.
Seems like I did mine correct

Filed single no dependent

Fed : 236
State: 241
Originally Posted by DEpast

Originally Posted by Mo Greene


minimum withholding ftw

Filed single no dependent for me.

Got $338 back Federal.
Owed $92 on State.
Seems like I did mine correct

Filed single no dependent

Fed : 236
State: 241
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