anything eeyore in the room is from the g/f.
i told her once she reminded me of eeyore.
and its stuck throughout our relationship.
it gets cold in temecula these days. hence the three blankets.
i'm trying to get some frames for my pictures.
i still failed the damn course, but i never went to class.
it was a freaking saturday class.
no more "hypebeast" bags on the wall.
essential things i need before i go to work.
no i don't bring the speaker with me to work.
although i should, but no.
my "hypebeast" monkey.
anything with a hang tag that i get, usually goes around the monkey's neck.
as soon as you open the door, this is what you see.
top right of closet.
middle right of closet.
bottom right of closet.
and that's it boy's and girls.
i plan to do more stuff with the room.
just not anytime soon.||