OFFICIAL: PS3 SLIM Unveiled Today at GamesCom...$299 120GB NO BC 3.0 FW...9/1


i like mine better
Sony: No Plans for a PS3 Slim Console Version Anytime Soon

Sony have point-blank denied online speculation that a slimline version of the PS3 could be on the way.

Rumors have been circling since yesterday that the platform holder might reveal a newly streamlined model at E3, in a similar vein to the popular PSone and 'PStwo' systems.

To quote: Speaking to UK website http://www.computerandvid...m/article.php?id=214873, however, a spokesperson for the firm said that the company "doesn't have any plans" for a revision of the hardware at present.

While Sony have moved quickly to deny any PS3 hardware changes, the firm have been less quick to snuff out speculation pointing toward a new-look PSP handheld. More at E3 2009, perhaps?
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

If you look in the PS3 thread you would of seen that these rumors were shut down by sony meaning THERE WILL BE NO SLIM PS3

Yea they say that mess all the time before E3 and more but it usually happens 60% of the time. Your Avy is Hilarious
Originally Posted by alleyzonjay


and it would probably have no bluray.. 1 usb.. no bc
therefore making it irrelevant
Man, think before you post. How is it going to play games with no blu-ray?
Originally Posted by alleyzonjay

ummm w/e same diff.. still whack

If the pic is accurate, you can see two usb ports and why would you even expect bc at this point? The PS3 hasn't had it since the early models.

It does look cheap as hell but if it's $100 cheaper or something, you can bet there will be plenty of people buying it.
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

If you look in the PS3 thread you would of seen that these rumors were shut down by sony meaning THERE WILL BE NO SLIM PS3
if you know how E3 works, of course Sony will deny rumors. Geez, no company will ever comment on rumors. Just wait until E3.
all news pointing now that Sony will announce it today at the conference. With the current 80 gb models price cut to $300 and the Drake bundle to $400. The PS3slim will be $299. So Sony's biggest secret that everyone knew is finally revealed.

Go to and KMART basically unofficially announces it.
Way togo Kmart.
Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

all news pointing now that Sony will announce it today at the conference. With the current 80 gb models price cut to $300 and the Drake bundle to $400. The PS3 slim will be $299. So Sony's biggest secret that everyone knew is finally revealed.

Go to and KMART basically unofficially announces it.
Way to go Kmart.

cool, i'll give my friend the heads up

but like I said 3 months ago in this post, I still like mine better
@ Kmart , i just saw it


sony didn't even make the announcement yet
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