Anybody know a good Rasterbation program for macs??

i used the online link posted before but I would like to try it smaller than 7mm
does anyone have a certain Foamcore backing they'd recommend?

I want this:


To look like this:


Will it?

Highly unlikely.
Whats the best way put it up on the wall w/o using that foam backing....tape?
i just made a fresh one... i'll post pics when i get home...

i use a foam posterboard, spray adhesive, invisible tape on the paper seams, and poster adhesive tabs.

it turned out pretty cool....
Hey everyone, i was just wondering how the 1mm rasterbations work out? Are they blurry or crisp?

I need to know, cos i wanna get the liquid swords cover rasterbated for my wall and i wanna get it done at a professional printing place.

If anyone has any info it would be much appreciated, as you'd save me a lot of money and time.

here's a few i did recently. the one on the door is a picture of my grandpa (RIP)... the MJ one has no foam backing, due to the fact that i was beinglazy with that one...



Do you guys use your own printers? That's a lot of freaking ink but some of these are pretty damn cool.
Im mad I had to take mine down ( A-Rods 500th HR ) .

I'll do some new ones when I move. I'll probably do Jeter's Flip or Jordan in the dunk contest.
Originally Posted by HK Feet 27

Do you guys use your own printers? That's a lot of freaking ink but some of these are pretty damn cool.
For the black and white ones I did. I just used the local print shop at my school bookstore, 12 cents a sheet. If your looking to do a colored onecheck out kinkos. They had a deal at 49 cents a sheet, great quality too.
bns, it's not working for me. I can download it, but then once I click on the application, it immediately closes. Did this happen to you at all? Anyadvice?
jeri lee laptop pic is bad but w/e.... lol and thats me messing around with glasses w/o lenses.

yo are there any ways to know the order of the pages... i honestly had to put the puzzle together cause there seemed like no printing order. also i suggest notdoing too many pages for your first one... its also an ink killer.
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