Official Real World Cancun Post

That weak $%+ alarm
Joey got kicked off we already know.. and
at the girls fighting over the dude
That lil ##$ watch? You need a big ##$ fire alarm son...
@ that weak +++ alarm.

I have 2 alarms that go off every morning, my clock and my phone (which is louder than that weak watch). No way Joey's still there, the smashfest is over.
What's wrong with this Woman's bottom lip? everytime she speaks it looks like it got punched in.
Well he just blew whatever chance he had to negotiate his way back into the house..
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

even though its true...the alarm excuse is weak...what job has that ever worked on????

Joey fronting acting like a 10 y/o.
Now this dude throwing a hissy fit, throwing his hands up the whole nine.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

@ that weak +++ alarm.

I have 2 alarms that go off every morning, my clock and my phone (which is louder than that weak watch). No way Joey's still there, the smashfest is over.

all your posts got me rolling dude

Its still messed up they're sending dude home though.
man mtv ur real world is gonmna be wack.
everyone else is wack.
that girl yaiia w/e shes gay
nd some of the others are just boring.
im not even watching it anymore.
Now they need to bring in Greg to replace him and turn that city upside down.
i mean in the REAL WORLD you tell your boss that weak !#+ line "my watch alarm didnt go off" he is going to laugh and fire you
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