Official Real World New Orleans Thread - Premieres June 30th (First trailer out)

Ryan's finally gone 
Smh at Ryan being gone. Sure the other roommates found him annoying but he was the most entertaining out of everyone in that show, kinda like Greg in Hollywood.
why does nt love greg?  people always mention him.  i saw a few episodes of that season, but i remember him just being annoying and talking with a stupid voice.
I didn't really like Ryan in the first place, but how you are you gonna be chilling with him last episode then kick em out.

The house is like a bunch of females.
They are taping the reunion show today. Was trying to find a link and came upon Maria Menounos' twitter. Hopefully Ryan is there

Greg was just like Ryan but you knew Ryan would never back up his words. Greg was just so stupid
Was I the only one laughing when Ryan said, "I never rubbed his cigs in my butt***cut to Ryan rubbing cigs in butt****... had me LOL.

I gotta admit...EVERYBODY in that house has more patience than me. I woulda beat the $@)@*( outta Ryan. You could tell when Eric pushed up on him that Brother and Cousin weren't about to do $+% if something popped off. I woulda GLADLY taken my plane ticket home just to stomp dude out..I don't care what's going on with you (drugs, mental...) you don't get a free pass to disrespect people and act like an @#@.
House is full of broads (all of the men included as well). Up there as the worst season IMO. Glad its almost over.
Hopefully they find an interesting replacement for Ryan.

Yeah, dude was mad annoying, but he made the show. Now all these people are happy and its going to be really boring to watch.
Last Episode was great.

I honestly don't think Ryan is THAT weird.

This is not one of the worst Real World's.
So was Ryan the one that took all those pills or what? And they kept saying how he was sneaking out to do drugs and *$% but i dont recall ever seeing any of that. Maybe i missed something. Could someone clear this up?

I think dude is just nuts, and dabbles in whatever he can get his hands on on the side (pills, drink, w/e)
another almost fight. MTV seriously needs to change the rules.
Brother & Cousin. hilarious they way ryan says brother & cousin
Fighting should be allowed...
It is the REAL world..
This is why Jersey Shore >>>>>>>>> Real World..
I doubt Ryan gets replaced.
You can tell he was terrified of Eric, cause when Preston snaps at him, he tries to act hard, when Eric blew up on him he started cowering like the lil %$++! he is.
Brother and Cousin are +#**%*!.
Knight should beat his +#$ 3 episodes ago.
Originally Posted by ElijahBrohammed

House is full of broads (all of the men included as well). Up there as the worst season IMO. Glad its almost over.

You're right. When was the last GOOD season anyway?
^I would say Hollywood. I only watch summer seasons though. Joey was a messed up dude or a great actor. I'm still conflicted on that one.
On the real though, Real World Austin reunion show was $@!%%!% awesome. Compelling television. I'm dead serious.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^I would say Hollywood. I only watch summer seasons though. Joey was a messed up dude or a great actor. I'm still conflicted on that one.
On the real though, Real World Austin reunion show was $@!%%!% awesome. Compelling television. I'm dead serious.

joey was on celebrity rehab.  his problems are definitely real.  dude was popping tons of ecstasy pills and snorting coke.
Dude was goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I can't believe this bamma's coming back, though....
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