Official: Red Dead Redemption 2 Thread: Releasing 10-26-18

Which Console Will You Buy This Game For

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I didn't survive that long to get any commentary from him. My partner got mauled and I was next shortly after. Apparently u can keep the lamp on with only a one handed gun, I picked a two handed gun and it was a bad mistake
Actually it looks like there's a mining hat you can find with a headlamp. North of Strawberry. I included a broader view of the map below.

Broader view of map:
Just went n got the miner hat and the knife stuck to his back... thanks...
Now where 2 find a fisherman... I need a pole lol
Man first time in the Bayou. Saw a dude hanging soon as I got off my horse get attacked by dudes with no shirt on. Killed instantly
U sure those pelts are not at the trapper either? I wana say I read they send it there 2... worth a try before u have to go back in time
The only pelts that get sent to the trapper are the legendary ones. Any other pelt, perfect or otherwise, you lose if you die
Texas holdem is fun. Fyi if your horse dies and you are nowhere near. Have weapons or take one because i got into a knife fight northeast of valentine with 4 wolves by surprise.
Here's a link to a video for the spawning spot of most horses. ... thoroughbred Arabian (grayish pink) and mny more

Works like a charm and no need to save exit etc...
If you dont see what you like... ride around couple of blocks and go back to spot
Did something stupid. Got caught slipping lol. Spent like 2 hrs hunting. Got a perfect bison pelt, perfect red tail hawk, and a turkey. On my way back to camp , this ladies leg was numb on the side of the road and needed help. Ambushed and died. I want to say pelts are lost when you die. Second time they haven't come back. Only legendary pelts get sent directly to Pearson. So lesson learned. Don't get distracted when you have precious cargo.

What would y'all do here. I was out hunting some elk and fell off a cliff. Only to land on a ledge. There's no safe way down and I can't get back up. So I start walking but it's taking too long. I don't have a real current back up save so I try to get down and end up dieing, along with the horse. Some trash horse spawns next to me when I come back alive. I realize I should have left it and gone to the Stables to retrieve it. So again, lesson learned.

Long story short, Is a lvl 4 bonded Hungarian worth a restart? I have a save from 2 days back but would lose 6-7 hrs of hunting and missions (4%). This Tennessee Walker is trash and I found hungarians in the wild but that's DOA territory. Should I wait until it's not? Black water country. Only consolation is that I finally did the preorder code and got the Ardennes. Decent stats but I miss that bonding.

Sorry for the complaints. Loving the weather dynamics in this game, along with the long range visibility with the landscape. I'm blown away at times. Hunting's gotten ten times easier with the improved bows and varmit riffle.

I'm thinking I roll with the punches and continue. I'm sure I'll have another horse die on me again.

Legendary pelts go to the Trapper, not Pearson.

Just use another horse. Max bonding doesn't take long.

Keep a Horse Reviver on you.
caught a 35 pound legendary fish... it broke the fishing line twice, so i waited till it was close to shore and caught it w the quickness

went to the post office to send it and the postal worker looks like a vampire omg!!!
just shot up the whole town of van horn

must have killed at least 40 people

some randomn dude talking smack at the saloon and i had to give him the two piece

after that the whole town chased after me lol

lead them all up top a hill that ironically is a cemetery... theyre gonna need a lot more gravestones hahahah
Anybody ran into a spot called Madame Mozelles house?

t’s nothing really. Just a skeleton sitting on the porch. Anyways I shot the skeleton out of boredom, and some witness saw me and ran away to report a crime. He was mad far away so I didn’t chase him. I’m got reported for MURDER! What the hell :lol:

Body been dead for years it looks like

Did you grab what was in the box near the body.
just shot up the whole town of van horn

must have killed at least 40 people

some randomn dude talking smack at the saloon and i had to give him the two piece

after that the whole town chased after me lol

lead them all up top a hill that ironically is a cemetery... theyre gonna need a lot more gravestones hahahah

Lol thats cool. I went to one of the only second floors in van horn excluding your hotel. Its by the brothel or above the brothel. Walk up the side steps turn that left and enter the last door in the left. I slowly murked each man there including the dog. The man at the. Alcony is the hardest to kill. Thats when the scarface scene happened to me lol the hallway they run up is so small they just pile up. After the first batch of goons died i looted and took every corpse in the room and looted some more. I walk out to that hallway and one guy just stays watching me pickup bodies and doesnt shoot me lol all he does is raise his hands up so i shoot him. Just as the second batch came running I had an idea of burning corpses just before they enter. I experimented with the fire bottle and the whole room started to catch fire so i ran out to the balcony and goons kept running up i just kept murking them. I walked out of there like a boss.
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Minding my business, casually cleaning and admiring the craftsmanship on my recently acquired revolver in front of the gunsmith in Valentine. Mans gonna stroll over and tell me I better be ready to use it, and he’ll put me To bed or some wild **** like that. I look at him for a second and then contemplate the brazen disrespect. Hit R2 to see if he’s tryna duel. No option for that, he’s just flexing. Put one in his dome and calmly walk over to the sheriff’s office to spend the night. Again. :lol:

This lake in Saint Denis is a great hole to practice fishing (specifically Lake Sturgeon), guaranteed hit with each cast using the special lake lure. Unfortunately they’re poisoned so they’re not good quality, although the weight range I’ve caught has been from 14 pounds to 18 pounds.

Also caught this bad boy along the outlet of the river next to Saint Denis


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my map is gone on the lower left corner... how do i get it back? its annoying when doing missions cuz i cant see the red dots
just discovered a house that got hit by a meteorite!!!

walk inside the house... 3 people (maybe 4, I cant tell from the body parts) got blown up from impact as it hit the kitchen area

damn lol
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