Official: Revised Lebron IX Thread. MVP's revealed! MV's WILL have toddler sizes! 6/2

Man I kind of want to go to NTSF tomorrow and try to cop those flight ones just to use as trade in case I miss out on the big bangs. I hate standing in lines and waiting though. Sometimes I feel like I'm to old or I'm in line at a soup kitchen while the employees make fun of me or something at shoe releases. It's like drug dealers spitting on fiends sometimes when you go into stores to ask for info. Some employees are real cool dudes and others just like I got what you want I'm better then you. I hate it. So much better copping online or a mom and pop shop.

Some guy posted it up on my FB, decent
Haha. You def helped some people out in the thread but man. Dude watching that video with the I eat a$% face trying to get that money back.
Whelp here we go...the day before I officially get pissed for not being able to get a pair, I'm seriously hoping I'm wrong but I'm just keeping it real. This is insane I can't have a "legit" shot at getting some damn Orange shoes for a player wearing them for one exhibition game this season without dealing with a server crash or waiting in line for over 24+ hours AFTER winning a raffle...what happened to people going to work in weekdays? Seriously? This is what things have come to, ok...

Don't think I can express how pissed that makes me right now, just because of the situation. I'd almost rather them drop ONLY in the city the ASG is held in if they're going to make things like this. I appreciate them spreading the release outside that one city but seriously, 1-2 stores only in most states not in the NYC/Cali/DMV areas for the most part? *%%@ outta here.

And even with that things weren't even like this last year with the releases? What happened to things running relatively smooth on NDC? They can't seem to have a release now without servers going down. If they have to do a controlled size/shoe/temp site release setup for these shoes or something then do it, if that means putting 1-2 sizes on your site at a time to make it easier for people trying to get through & cancel any orders received with the same customer, then do it. If that means making one shoe available at a time until they each become available, then do it. It's not too different from waiting in a line at a store, and the servers apparently can't handle anything more anyway so stop $%+@#$% around with the same **+% that isn't working...all you're doing is pissing people off and making it impossible for people that might be interested in getting more than one style actually be able to obtain them. But you don't hear me though or care, aiite...
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

I love these, but my god I can not wait for this to be over

If anyone needs me to add anything to the first page, please let me know! I believe everything is up to date, minus a few pics of the lows which I will add later. Anyone wanna make predictions on how many pages we jump in the next 3-4 days? I'm saying we are at 950 or over!

I know one thing for sure ! it's going to be a crapload of new memeber wondering where to get the ASG lebrons, KD, and etc. smh history is repeating itself it may seem 
After seeing how the Flights/Penny's release went down (and yes I know there is probably much less of them than the signature shoes) I am realizing that tonight is going to be a complete mess and 99.9% a waste of my time. I might as well just accept the fact that I won't be getting these and just start putting the effort in to find the lowest reseller price that I can get. This thread is going to go from 897 pages to like 965 in a matter of no time, mostly filled with complaints about how the NDC release went down, mark my words. Too bad Nike doesn't pay attention to this. They might be able to learn something.

Best of luck to everyone. I hope you get what you want.
I'm going to try on NDC and Eastbay tonight, but expecting to strike out on the Lebrons, Kobes, and KDs. Either way, if you're like me and want all three - we might have to pay reseller prices on one of them (maybe even all of them, I dare say).
After school today I'm gonna hit up hoh on 34th, if I wait 12 Plus hours nd still can't get my kicks.... I'm gonna be ode pissed nd am robbing someone at knife point lol.
COLUMBUS OHIO heads, how's the HOH lookin up there, Tryna get up there by midnight cuz they open at 8. Is that too late. How are releases up there.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

COLUMBUS OHIO heads, how's the HOH lookin up there, Tryna get up there by midnight cuz they open at 8. Is that too late. How are releases up there.

man...I'm hoping for the best but I'm not expecting much at all from what I'm hearing. Hoping somebody up there can update both of us
Well tonights the night guys. I hope everyone who really wants the Big Bangs can get them. Everyone stay safe out there if your camping.

I want to cop at least 2 pairs, one to rock and one to keep on ICE. Hopefully I can get one on nikestore, then go campout for the other pair at my HOH location....If all fails, resell price it is, because I just have to have these shoes.
Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

COLUMBUS OHIO heads, how's the HOH lookin up there, Tryna get up there by midnight cuz they open at 8. Is that too late. How are releases up there.

man...I'm hoping for the best but I'm not expecting much at all from what I'm hearing. Hoping somebody up there can update both of us

How bout LEXINGTON KENTUCKY heads, they got a HoH down there too I think. That would be closer to the nati then co would be.
For all my ATL heads, I got to campus this morning (I go to GSU) and dudes are already camped in front of Walter's for tomorrow.

So If you plan on going to Walter's to get the ASG kicks get there as soon as you can. I thought about going to Walter's tomorrow but after seeing that line, I don't want to imagine what it's going to look like tomorrow morning when they open. If I stayed on campus, i'd probably line up today, but since I commute to school, I'll be going elsewhere tomorrow. Good luck to all.
Originally Posted by megatron

Originally Posted by leothegod

im confused do the big bangs drop thursday night or friday night?????

thursday night


welp. looks like i wont be getting them. i have to work friday. no way i can take off.

my only shot is ndc or eastbay
Originally Posted by so wavy

After school today I'm gonna hit up hoh on 34th, if I wait 12 Plus hours nd still can't get my kicks.... I'm gonna be ode pissed nd am robbing someone at knife point lol.

Are they doing midnight release or opening in the morning?
Columbus Ohio heads... Its GAME OVER if you havent been in line since wed.
HOH released this Tuesday,

"You can come between 6-7am tomorrow morning and draw a number. The number you pick will be your number in line. You must line up in the parking garage for 26 HOURS until 8am Friday morning. You cannot leave and come back. Once you are inside you may purchase ONE shoe, NOT one of each shoe. You are then allowed to get in the back of the line and try again. If you show up after 7am you will automatically be placed in back of the line. Goodluck..."
Originally Posted by sparklecity SC

If I don't get these BB's I guess I will cop the China's from a seller for $250

This is a great call. Both shoes are on par, but BB's just feel a little more desirable at the moment. In a while, or if people were not so worried about their availability, they would be seen as comparable. Imagine if word was that they would be a GR with tons of pairs available...desire would immediately lessen..Don't get me wrong, I'm not preaching. I know how the desirability thing works and I still want these really bad, haha!
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