Official Saucony Originals / Retro Thread

Wow passed on this release, went to bed and woke up to this thread like

Lol glad I didn't even bother with today's release (too busy at GovBall). Checked the bay but resell is nuts tho. Hope no one is desperate enough to pay above 4 bills for these.  Would have considered it if it was around 2.  Anyone with these in hand know if they're closer to mint or cove color?  Looks different in every pic.   
I would hope a WW release goes smoother. Patience is key with Asics and Saucony drops until the release is complete (which can take some time). That said, I still think these and the KW's are going to be a royal pain to obtain in the WW drop.
Lol glad I didn't even bother with today's release (too busy at GovBall). Checked the bay but resell is nuts tho. Hope no one is desperate enough to pay above 4 bills for these.  Would have considered it if it was around 2.  Anyone with these in hand know if they're closer to mint or cove color?  Looks different in every pic.   
It's really hard to say. It's kinda right in between mints and coves if you ask me lol

Maybe a little closer to mints...
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Obviously I'm biased because I'm an ATL local but I just don't understand all the hate towards Epitome yesterday. I think it was just a lot of salt in the air. If major sites like Nike and Adidas can crash, then what do you expect from a small site like Epitome? They're not gonna revamp their entire webpage just for this one release. At least they admitted their mistake and tried to make it right by accepting phone orders. And I highly doubt they even care about all the ppl ranting on yelp and social media because chances are, those people were never going to step foot into the shop at any point in their lifetime anyways. After this release Epitome will never hear from 90% of their out-of-state customers ever again. Just my $.02 I guess :rolleyes Locals know that the shop treated us with the utmost appreciation. The owner himself bought Chick-fil-a breakfast for those who camped out, he handed out cold water when it started to get hot, and he even stopped by around 2am that morning to check on dudes who were camping overnight. Epitome will forever be good in my book
Their website didn't crash that much... Actually it was pretty smooth for a hype release on a ****** website.

Their mistake was to not drop the shoe. I almost think they did it on purpose to hype up their store and product... Hanon crashes pretty much every Friday night so there is no excuse... Resellers are happy tho...btw did you sell your pair on Ebay already?
Obviously I'm biased because I'm an ATL local but I just don't understand all the hate towards Epitome yesterday. I think it was just a lot of salt in the air. If major sites like Nike and Adidas can crash, then what do you expect from a small site like Epitome? They're not gonna revamp their entire webpage just for this one release. At least they admitted their mistake and tried to make it right by accepting phone orders. And I highly doubt they even care about all the ppl ranting on yelp and social media because chances are, those people were never going to step foot into the shop at any point in their lifetime anyways. After this release Epitome will never hear from 90% of their out-of-state customers ever again. Just my $.02 I guess :rolleyes Locals know that the shop treated us with the utmost appreciation. The owner himself bought Chick-fil-a breakfast for those who camped out, he handed out cold water when it started to get hot, and he even stopped by around 2am that morning to check on dudes who were camping overnight. Epitome will forever be good in my book

Word man! People will always complain no matter what. From sites crashing, reverse engineering, bots, etc. At least they did their out of state customers a solid by accepting phone orders until 11pm est. If thats not good customer service then i dont know what is. Imo Phone order chances were better than them loading the shoes on their site which isnt adequate for high traffic and not even being able to checkout
Imo Phone order chances were better than them loading the shoes on their site which isnt adequate for high traffic and not even being able to checkout
You buggin...If they put a decent amount of pairs online then you would be able to checkout... Called them for hours and I didn't get ****.

Y'all act like the website crashed like crazy but it didn't...
You buggin...If they put a decent amount of pairs online then you would be able to checkout... Called them for hours and I didn't get ****.
Y'all act like the website crashed like crazy but it didn't...
If they put a decent amount a pairs online and ish crashes and the majority of people cant checkout then whats the point...then you will still have people complainig saying how they couldnt even checkout...and the site was running somewhat smooth but once the shoes would be loaded it would go right back to crashing...but thats my imo...i aint ish.
Phone orders were a joke, from what I understand there was ONE line and ONE employee to handle everyone calling. That's like putting a bandaid on someone who cut their arm off.
Yeah, no disrespect but if you weren't part of that madness yesterday you just don't know. I can assure you, nobody was hating on them at all. There were very valid reasons for people to be upset. There was no word beforehand that there was going to be a problem or a rescheduling of the drop, and they'd spent all week beforehand with constant updates on their website and their instagram, pubbing the release. 3 PM comes and not a single person is able to find the shoe on the site. This isn't just about crashing. It's about the fact that the shoes just weren't there, because I and other people managed to get through with the usual refresh method, just like you do on Nike or Finish Line the day of a Jordan Retro release. The shoes were not there. Then these people wait damn near an hour through instagram and twitter to let people know that they were having "technical difficulties". And that we should wait for further updates.

That further update never came. It's only because so many people (including myself) continued to refresh constantly for the next few hours that we finally saw they'd put the link up on their site, but it was only up for a few minutes and told everyone they'd be taking phone orders. After the fact, when the link was no longer there, you then had them put out another message through instagram and twitter that they'd be releasing the shoes through phone orders, but at the same time they told people to wait for further information about a future release, confusing many. This leaves thousands of people calling their store back to back to back, with some people entering that many calls without getting through. Personally? I stopped at 30, went to the gym, and called it a loss. I checked the instagram page a few hours later to see that some people did manage to get through, but that even more people were saying that they'd gotten through and then been hung up on. (Few people complained about this earlier in the day as well, before they stopped accepting calls altogether at one point)

This release was trash, plain and simple. You can't write off that many mistakes and expect people to just accept it. Obviously there's only a certain number of shoes available, so people were always going to miss out. But as I said on the page yesterday, it would've been better to just release the shoes at 3 instead of having people waiting al damn afternoon with barely any information being released. As others have said, the site wasn't operating any worse than Nike does the day of a release, and people were able to get through to the actual site and could have purchased had the shoes just been there. The traffic is then filtered through with some people getting the shoes and some people not. Don't set up some crappy system involving one person answering a phone when thousands of people are calling your store. That doesn't make any sense. As it is, of course that person was there answering the phone until 11 pm, they set her up so she wouldn't have any choice if they were trying to get rid of those shoes. And its the least that store could do for the trouble they'd caused.
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Reppd, It seemed obvious to me that they should have put out a notice saying the release was delayed and they would update us until then. Instead they kept countless people dangling on a hook wasting their entire day with no information and a stupid phone order idea. People kissing their butts on IG are delusional, or they were able to cop a pair, so they feel fine.
:lol: Y'all are harsh man. As I said before, I'm obviously biased but regardless, I still try to see things from both perspectives.

jays25 jays25 leisurejunkie leisurejunkie I was actually trying to get thru on the phone yesterday for a 3rd pair for my man @civickid96 so I was "a part of the madness". But c'mon, the shop expected the online release to go smoothly. So when it didn't and they had to resort to taking phone orders, what did you want them to go? Run to walmart and buy more phone lines? They didn't anticipate having to do phone orders. One phone is good enough for this shop on 364 days out of the year.

And I know they didn't intentionally not put the shoes up on the site. They had difficulties putting them up due to the absurd amount of traffic. They weren't tryin go pull a wool over everyone's eyes lol. But I digress. Just expressing my POV, not tryin to start any beef. But like 1234fif 1234fif said, you're never gonna satisfy everyone :rolleyes

blakperl blakperl Regardless, there's nothing to "learn from" because I'm sure they won't have to worry about this happening again. They don't get this much hype on a regular basis
I understand things happen, especially in this day and age it seems like every website crashes on releases. But it would have been way better to apologize and postpone the online drop than to provide no info and then tell everyone to call the one phone all at once. I didn't even bother trying, I just think it was a series of poor choices for a business to make. And they may be someone's local, but they signed up for a pretty big deal collab that brings way more responsibility than making a handful of people happy.
I agree w/ @JamesBRustled it was handled poorly. It's not about having hype on a regular basis. It simply comes to down to preparation. FeatureLV has one main line but there are two other lines that will ring if staff is on the main one @PriceBoy. Good point @leisurejunkie
There's no excuse for not updating people on what was going on in a prompt manner lol that literally would've changed everything.
There's no excuse for not updating people on what was going on in a prompt manner lol that literally would've changed everything.
What time did they post on IG that they were accepting phone orders? Do you remember?

Release was supposed to go down at 3, they announced technical difficulties around 3:50, and the thing about phone orders was sometime after 5:30, but before 6:30. Don't remember the exact time.
Guys any update till now? I'm from oversea and this intense is killing me.. Many guys trying to sell it for usd 350.
I'm sure after half a year, this hype will go down
Release was supposed to go down at 3, they announced technical difficulties around 3:50, and the thing about phone orders was sometime after 5:30, but before 6:30. Don't remember the exact time.
Oh wow ok I didn't realize it was that late when I started calling. In that case, I definitely agree with you that they were slow with updating everyone on the situation.

Welp, I've said about all I can say. I truly hope more people are able to eat during the WW release though. These are truly an amazing collab. Hopefully the Kushwhacker release is much smoother cuz I don't wanna spend 3 hrs making long distance calls to Australia :tongue:
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