Official Seattle Mariners 2009 Season Thread Vol. Season Over

Hank Blalock The Texas Rangers owns Brandon Morrow.

Boston over the weekend and then the Angels....I'll be drinking alot in the next few days
so instead of winning 2 out of 3 like we should've, morrow makes sure we get swept. i hope felix knocks his teeth out.
Well if anything let's hope Ardsma gets his chance as the closer and Morrow might be more calm and relaxed as a reliever.
yeah... it was a tough call to leave aardsma in yesterday but now its time to make that change. gotta let morrow build his confidence back up.
Originally Posted by SinnerP

yeah... it was a tough call to leave aardsma in yesterday but now its time to make that change. gotta let morrow build his confidence back up.

He doesn't belong closing games anyways. It was a bad move from the get go. Send him to AAA and let him re learn how to be a SP. You have to. He is not areliever.
Whoever wins the first game. I will root for them in the series this weekend

jakabauskas going tonight so you'll probably be rooting for the red sox. i wish rowland-smith would hurry up off the DL. rumors of bedard missing his nextstart too.
Ichiro on second an nobody out and the M's don't score yet again..............what more can go wrong?
Originally Posted by daglove20

Ichiro on second an nobody out and the M's don't score yet again..............what more can go wrong?
this ballclub is short on talent. sweeney is over the hill, shouldn't be sticking him in the 3 spot.
team is trash man. terrible TERRIBLE fundamentals. notice how the red sox use fundamentals in all facets of the game. i'm tired of the pop ups, errors,baserunning blunders, and horrible pitching location. this team is straight up trash and it's no wonder they've lost 9 of 10.

mike must've given them some space jam secret stuff for the first month of the season. it's all gone now.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

team is trash man. terrible TERRIBLE fundamentals. notice how the red sox use fundamentals in all facets of the game. i'm tired of the pop ups, errors, baserunning blunders, and horrible pitching location. this team is straight up trash and it's no wonder they've lost 9 of 10.

mike must've given them some space jam secret stuff for the first month of the season. it's all gone now.
Hah as soon as I read this they make an error that scores another run, does anyone else think it's time to break up some of the veterans whowill be free agents anyways and see what the M's can get. I mean like Washburn, Bedard, and I really really really hate to say this but Ichiro too. Although I feel Ichiro is untradeable since the owners want to keep that Japanese connection.
Originally Posted by daglove20

Originally Posted by finnns2003

team is trash man. terrible TERRIBLE fundamentals. notice how the red sox use fundamentals in all facets of the game. i'm tired of the pop ups, errors, baserunning blunders, and horrible pitching location. this team is straight up trash and it's no wonder they've lost 9 of 10.

mike must've given them some space jam secret stuff for the first month of the season. it's all gone now.
Hah as soon as I read this they make an error that scores another run, does anyone else think it's time to break up some of the veterans who will be free agents anyways and see what the M's can get. I mean like Washburn, Bedard, and I really really really hate to say this but Ichiro too. Although I feel Ichiro is untradeable since the owners want to keep that Japanese connection.
you got it. it's the reason Johjima got an extension. japanese manager. etc.

but yeah, it's time to cut the deadwood. i'm tired of the current crop of mariners. beltre needs to go. yuni needs to go. lopez needs to go. juniorneeds to retire. batista needs to go. washburn needs to go. silva needs to die (jk but he needs to go
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