Official Seattle Mariners 2009 Season Thread Vol. Season Over

damn, that was too close.

but good to see Jr. sorta finding his swing... a double off the baggy and a homer.
I don't think we can sustain it likes this all year. Guys like Bedard and Felix really need to become the aces quickly. Without them pitching well, it isgoing to be real hard for us to keep winning with our offense being what it is.

Hopefully we can keep this close.
Originally Posted by TheZephyr777

I don't think we can sustain it likes this all year. Guys like Bedard and Felix really need to become the aces quickly. Without them pitching well, it is going to be real hard for us to keep winning with our offense being what it is.

Hopefully we can keep this close.
i think bedard can get better as the season wears on, but i'm not sure on felix. 'usually', felix starts strong and finishes poorly ina season. until he gets his head out his @#%, i'm not expecting ace-like results all season long. a shame because he has top 5 'stuff' in thisleague. just has half a brain to go with it.

offense needs to wake up. beltre has what, 1 homerun? not going to get it done. i don't know how long the junior experiment will last either. we can'tkeep putting a .230 hitter out there in the 3 or 4 spot and expect to win.
Feldman as a starter = Nothing but quality starts.

That shoulda been strike three!
I feel bad for laughing ay my own team's misfortunes

If we dont get some offense going Texas is going to kill us this series
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