OFFICIAL Seattle Mariners 2010 Season Thread: 7/22 - 7/25 vs. BOS (37-60)

The O's

A's lost again, coming back down to Earth.
mariners are rolling, too bad people aren't showing up. I wish I still lived in Seattle, sitting in a seat at Safeco Field is very relaxing. 
^ I know... another sub-20,000 attendance game.  Such a shame.  
Yeah, the O's are struggling right now but a sweep is a sweep 
Ill take a win infront of 10 fans over a loss against a packed house... winning will cure the attendance woes keep on rollin baby!!
Fans aren't showing up because they've learned their lesson. This team hasn't reached the postseason in a decade. @!$% that. This team has to "earn" the fans' attendance. Certainly, Bavasi caused a lot of that. Personally, I'd go regardless just for the ballpark experience.
^ Exactly the same attitude people had towards the Sonics. Tell me how that turned out.

Seattle takes their teams for granted and only show up when they win.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Fans aren't showing up because they've learned their lesson. This team hasn't reached the postseason in a decade. @!$% that. This team has to "earn" the fans' attendance.
You mean THAT'S how it works? Funny, Tom Hicks always told me I had to come to more games in order for him to spend more money... Huh.

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

^ Exactly the same attitude people had towards the Sonics. Tell me how that turned out.

Seattle takes their teams for granted and only show up when they win.
SOOO.... just so you know, M's management didn't smarten up until fans started speaking with their wallets. Bavasi gets fired, Z gets hired. Last season we didn't make the postseason and now we have a pretty good team and the season started off awful. Now, we've gotten some wins but you can't expect many to come out when it's the O's. I'm sure the better teams will bring out more fans.

Would you want to pay $60 to watch Vargas vs. David Hernandez? I wouldn't.

You mean THAT'S how it works? Funny, TomHicks always told me I had to come to more games in order for him tospend more money... Huh.
The O's aren't a big draw, no. I'm only bringing up the collective attitude of Seattle fans only caring or showing up, when the team is winning consistently. I don't peg you as someone in that category at all, but the majority of Seattle find excuses not to support their team. Until, that is, the team starts winning and they act like they've been there all along.

That general consensus annoys me. And I know the situation with the Sonics was messed up, but Seattle took them for granted for all those years and was giving excuses, then bam, they're gone and the same people who could careless when they were losing were trying to act like they were supporting team through thick and thin then find all the excuses in the world why it was the ownerships fault. Some blame goes towards Seattle.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

^ Exactly the same attitude people had towards the Sonics. Tell me how that turned out.

Seattle takes their teams for granted and only show up when they win.
I think this is a problem that occurs across the majority of American sports team. If I was in the seattle area, I'd at least hit up a bunch of games with nose bleed tickets. I'd be there to support the players not necessarily management.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

^ Exactly the same attitude people had towards the Sonics. Tell me how that turned out.

Seattle takes their teams for granted and only show up when they win.
I think this is a problem that occurs across the majority of American sports team. If I was in the seattle area, I'd at least hit up a bunch of games with nose bleed tickets. I'd be there to support the players not necessarily management.
And that's true, but I don't live in other cities. I just know too many people that have a "reserve" team just in case Seattle doesn't pan out, and it extrapolates to the same attitude of only coming out when a team is winning. 
The same issue was very evident in Minnesota as well, and it took an out-of-nowhere run to regenerate crowds, but when I was living over there for a bit I noticed that the team was still phenomenally followed, just that the metrodome was a crap venue and your couch was a much better option. Definitely not the case with Seattle. The Kingdome has been gone way too long.
I think it goes both ways, previous management of this team screwed us over and it affected the support that the team currently gets, partially....but everyone knows Seattle's got a %#+* load of fair weather fans these days too
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

^ Exactly the same attitude people had towards the Sonics. Tell me how that turned out.

Seattle takes their teams for granted and only show up when they win.
I think this is a problem that occurs across the majority of American sports team. If I was in the seattle area, I'd at least hit up a bunch of games with nose bleed tickets. I'd be there to support the players not necessarily management.
And that's true, but I don't live in other cities. I just know too many people that have a "reserve" team just in case Seattle doesn't pan out, and it extrapolates to the same attitude of only coming out when a team is winning. 
The same issue was very evident in Minnesota as well, and it took an out-of-nowhere run to regenerate crowds, but when I was living over there for a bit I noticed that the team was still phenomenally followed, just that the metrodome was a crap venue and your couch was a much better option. Definitely not the case with Seattle. The Kingdome has been gone way too long.
This... Yeah, its not just Seattle, but I think generally across North America.  There was a good discussion about this in another thread about the business-side of football (soccer to the US folks) in Europe and how their fans stick with their team through thick and thin.  For them its not only about winning, but in US-sports terms its more about achieving more each year.  If your team had a losing season, then the fans' expectations/focus would be getting to a .500 season.  If your team consistently ends above .500, then the focus is on making the playoffs.  If your team consistently makes the playoffs, then its about progressing in the playoffs.  The European fans all make realistic expectations for their teams and root for them passionately, while in North America it seems like theres too much of a "what have you done for me lately" attitude.  The whole mentality of team-support is so different over there, and its really a shame that we don't see more of it in NA.  
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

The O's aren't a big draw, no. I'm only bringing up the collective attitude of Seattle fans only caring or showing up, when the team is winning consistently. I don't peg you as someone in that category at all, but the majority of Seattle find excuses not to support their team. Until, that is, the team starts winning and they act like they've been there all along.

That general consensus annoys me. And I know the situation with the Sonics was messed up, but Seattle took them for granted for all those years and was giving excuses, then bam, they're gone and the same people who could careless when they were losing were trying to act like they were supporting team through thick and thin then find all the excuses in the world why it was the ownerships fault. Some blame goes towards Seattle.

I agree with you somewhat. I think people in Seattle (that makes me as well) also deserve some blame in terms of Sonics leaving the town. Yes, we didn't show up to watch them play when we were starting to have an exciting team (it actually makes me sick to my stomach to see Scott Brooks getting COY and Thunder playing the Lakers in PO right now knowing that could've take place in KeyArena RIGHT NOW). 

However, I think it's little farfetched to compare Mariners' current situation to what Sonics were going through. Howard Schultz and those pinheads wanted US to pay for new stadium when we had 2 new stadium in span of 10 years from our pocket. It was crazy to begin with (I remember Magic Johnson one time defending Howard Schultz on TNT, I was so heated by that). I agree that we should've been more active about keeping the Sonics but at the same time, when an owner (and as well as state legislature AND the city government) doesn't give a +#!@ about where the team would end up, what else can you do as a regualr fan but just watch the train wreck? Yes, it hurts and it will always hurt unless we get our team back. Gary Payton was right, I guess, "Howard Schultz doesn't know basketball". He said that when he was getting traded to Bucks for Ray Allen.

Anyway, unless you are talking about New York or Boston (and even Chicago, mostly for Cubs' fans actually), any town with baseball team in America is pretty much a fair-weather fans' city. Florida can't even grab a fan when they are WINNING. Plus, Mariners has been top-attendance team even when we didn't make into playoffs. It's been almost 10 years since we've made into playoffs. 10 years. Fans are going to grow tired of it. I don't worry about attendance at this point though. It's only April so once the weather gets better and if team keeps this up, people will show up. Monday, for example, Conan was in town. I would rather go see Conan live than watching Mariners playing O's at this point.   
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

I think it goes both ways, previous management of this team screwed us over and it affected the support that the team currently gets, partially....but everyone knows Seattle's got a %#+* load of fair weather fans these days too
I understand management plays a huge roll in how successful a team will be, however, management's choices and a teams overall success should not dictate whether or not you support a team. Trust me, I'm a raiders and Warriors fan, I know what it is to have crappy management. Nevertheless that doesn't mean I still don't try to catch a game whenever I'm back in town. Like I said, I'm their to support the players and the coaches, not necessarily management. Should players and/or coaches get out of hand to the point where I dislike them, then I might stop going to games.

Anyway, unless you are talking about New York or Boston (and even Chicago, mostly for Cubs' fans actually), any town with baseball team in America is pretty much a fair-weather fans' city.
Please do not include Yankees fans as true fans. They're the biggest bunch of fair weather fans in all of sports. Most of the people at those games are there to for the scene and to tell their friends they're at the yankees game. You should have seen some of the headlines early last year and what people were saying in the streets. What a difference a championship ring makes.
I think Seattle is definitely a bandwagon town, but we've had such terrible success with our sports team's in the past that I think the city as a whole still has a bad taste in their mouth. One thing is for sure though -- the fans are great when the teams are winning. Our city absolutely loves a winner, and the entire city turns it's attention to a team that does well.

You can also see good attendance if you can definitely tell the team is trying hard or has good character.

Also, its the start of the year -- it's still cold and rainy out, no one knows how good this team will actually be, and several teams are having issues with attendance. I think the M's will be fine, especially with Lee and Bedard coming in.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Anyway, unless you are talking about New York or Boston (and even Chicago, mostly for Cubs' fans actually), any town with baseball team in America is pretty much a fair-weather fans' city.
Please do not include Yankees fans as true fans. They're the biggest bunch of fair weather fans in all of sports. Most of the people at those games are there to for the scene and to tell their friends they're at the yankees game. You should have seen some of the headlines early last year and what people were saying in the streets. What a difference a championship ring makes.

Oh, yeah, I know of them. I clearly remember how they put CC under the bus when the season barely kicked off and treated him like he was black Jesus by the end of the season. New York media and fans with every sports are impatient arrogant bozos who thinks they deserve everything from championships to LeBron James. Yes, I know of it. Maybe way I said it was wrong but people do go to games regardless, there's a consistent basis of turnouts in places like New York or Boston, that's what I tried to say. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's the way I see it.  

There are numbers of Mariners fan who would go to Safeco just for the scene (it's a different scene than those who going to Yankee Stadium) especially during the summer and that was the reason why the team attracted so many fans over the years even when we didn't make it to playoffs. Sunny day in Seattle at Safeco with garlic fries 

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