Ok I retrobrite or whatever you call it on the regular... Here is what you need for the indoor method.


Box to fit shoes in (I use a cardboard box)

A lid (i use the flaps of the cardboard box)

Aluminum foil (cover the inside of the box, including the lid)

2 lamps (Target, Home depot, amazon ebay, etc...)

2 repti glo bulbs (the 10.0 ones.) (Amazon.com)

2 Toothbrushes (One to apply, one to clean off)

Cutouts for the pods (Jordan 11's, I use construction paper)

Tape for the carbon fiber (I dont use that. I experimented with it and No separation occurred when I didnt use the tape)

Plastic wrap/Saran wrap


Salon Care 40 Volume Creme (red label). Can be found at Sally's beauty shop.. buy 16 oz for like 4 dollars...

I dont mix it with oxy clean, you can though to thicken the solution.. otherwise just straight from the bottle

This Stuff really works, I've retrobrited so many shoes with this and they turn out really good... Dont buy any of those "Secret Sauce" bs people are trying to sell you... unless you want to then thats your choice.

How to use:

1) Clean soles of shoes (Soap and water)

2) Apply the sauce on the soles of the shoes and scrub away with the toothbrush (you dont need to scrub in hard, the toothbrush is basically there just to spread the product).. shake the bottle before use

3) Put the cutouts on the pods

4) saran wrap the shoes

5) place in the fixture for 8-16 hours. I experimented and all that "No longer than 8 hours" is bs.. I once had a pair cooking for like 20 hours straight and it still wasnt dry...

6) clean off with toothbrush and water

7) Repeat step 2-6

Indoor method will take you longer than outdoor but it is more safe. And you dont have to check up on them really, just let them sit.. and you can work on them overnight as well.

There isnt really much to it, just repeat the process over and over again until you achieved what you want.

Any questions, just ask.

If i left anything out, just say so.

thanks and good luck!
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the reason i ask if black magic tire wet is safe for use on the cool grey 11 patent leather is because every video ive seen or info ive read (i read the 1st page) is about using BMTW with space jams, breds or concords. i saw one reply where somone said not to use BMTW on white patent leather. so it makes me wonder if its safe for the cool grey or not. i assume not but i thought maybe someone else had tried or knew about its effects. i saw the reply by gerald showing the armor all next to his patent leather joints, that seems like a good idea although i wonder if the chemicals in that would be abrasive or harmful. any help would be appreciated, ive looked up videos and read info and the only thing i saw specifically for cool greys was lotion, but i figure theres gotta be something better/shinier than lotion. thanks. 
tim420 tim420 I don't know where I remember seeing this but I was about to buy BMTW that it initially makes patent leather glow but then dries it out extremely.

Reason why I used this armor all is because it's a protector made to protect plastic, rubber, vinyl, etc. like what patent leather is made of now a days. I don't believe BMTW is a protectant in the way armor all is, just a glosser and armor all is more suited for it.
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K. Finally finished my version of the restoration of the upper thanks to geraldg2309 geraldg2309 and ccastro02 ccastro02
Instead of bleach and dish soap, i did oxyclean detergent. Uppers didn't get super white but I'm 100% happy with them.

I used ccastro02's method for the most part but used 3/4 cup of oxyclean mixed with 3/4 cup of water (no particular reason for the quantity).
I also could have done another day or 2 but i honestly am happy with where they are right now. I may come back later to brighten it up more but I'm doubtful.






After 1 day



After 2 days



After 3 days



shoes strings back in


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bigj505 bigj505 Wow. Goodness those are some great results. That right pair looks really white and clean like it's the year 2000 right now :lol:. Repped. Glad I could help you out and that it turned out great.
Looks good bigj. I feel like you should be seeing more results though. Did you let each mixture soak into the shoe before applying the next. In other words, did you let the laundry detergent and the color safe bleach sink infor a few minutes until you applied the RIT? How long did you leave the RIT formula on the shoes before rinsing it off?
bigj505 bigj505 Wow. Goodness those are some great results. That right pair looks really white and clean like it's the year 2000 right now :lol:. Repped. Glad I could help you out and that it turned out great.

:rofl: thanks man. i was gonna pass them on to my boy for the price i paid before you helped. was really easy and only took a few minutes of my time per day. the color definitely doesn't seem off in person but i can tell its not super white when i look hard at them.
Looks good bigj. I feel like you should be seeing more results though. Did you let each mixture soak into the shoe before applying the next. In other words, did you let the laundry detergent and the color safe bleach sink infor a few minutes until you applied the RIT? How long did you leave the RIT formula on the shoes before rinsing it off?

thanks. I'm sure i could have gotten better results but I'm pretty happy where it is right now. i didn't follow the same steps you posted so i expected some deviation between us.
thanks. I'm sure i could have gotten better results but I'm pretty happy where it is right now. i didn't follow the same steps you posted so i expected some deviation between us.

It looks good man. Biiig difference to the piss yellow you had before. Next step. Icing of the soles, which is definitely a way more lengthy process.
Thanks castro. I'm done messing with them. keeping the yellow soles for the vintage look. i have the most recent concords so ill just rock those when i want ice.
Dope. What kinda light fixtures do y'all use, though?

Somebody here had an indoor setup using the linear (T8) lights with a laundry basket instead of the spiral bulbs. Was looking to bite off that setup, but I can't find the post in this thread.

I was using those dome like fixtures you.use if you had a reptile with clamp on the sides
tim420 tim420 I don't know where I remember seeing this but I was about to buy BMTW that it initially makes patent leather glow but then dries it out extremely.

Reason why I used this armor all is because it's a protector made to protect plastic, rubber, vinyl, etc. like what patent leather is made of now a days. I don't believe BMTW is a protectant in the way armor all is, just a glosser and armor all is more suited for it.
Thanks for the response. I appreciate your expertise. Ill get some of those wipes. Also I got a pair of the white/red low 11's that got real bad yellowing on the upper. I ordered liquid RIT that I plan on using when it arrives. Ill post b4 & after pics. Seeing other guys results has me optimistic. This is a great thread, very helpful. Thanks in advance for help I'm sure youll give in the future. Most of this is common sense but when it comes to my fav shoes I dont wanna guess, you know.

No prob hows the midsole and patent leather on them still look perfect? The Zen lows I have patent leather started peeling away by itself where it goes into the midsole

dude said he only wore them twice so it was just a matter of the shoes being stored like crap. glue seems to be in good shape so far. Nike Air is fully intact on the insole too.
dude said he only wore them twice so it was just a matter of the shoes being stored like crap. glue seems to be in good shape so far. Nike Air is fully intact on the insole too.

Sounds good man I've always wanted a pair like those but can never find some for a good price.
tim420 tim420 :lol: nah man I have no expertise. Just know a lot from reading and my own personal screw ups. Covering for the real expert @rcjbbp1313, my good brother, since he isn't here right now. :lol:

But definitely no problem! I get you.More than willing to help. Post pictures and let us know how it goes!

How do i clean this dark mark on the gitd soles of my galaxy kds?
I have the same thing on my pair. Left shoe for me as well but mine is a much bigger smudge. If you look in the past few pages we discussed it a little. I'm pretty sure it's an ink stain and is irreversible.
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