^ i remember someone had a similar problem with the mesh on the ix's. but their's was more yellowed than your pair. think the best thing you can do isfirst try basic shoe cleaners. if this doesn't work, then might have to use rit whitener. this cleaner won't be as harsh as barkeeper's friend. soi think the rit would be most appropriate if the shoe cleaners don't work. as far as the paint chipping, best thing to do is either touch-up with angeluspaint or strip the paint off and do a repaint with the angelus paint.
hey does anyone noe wat i should do because yesterday i wore my pearl 9's for the first time and i was walking they just completely fell apart so anyadvice would help
Originally Posted by erirey89

hey does anyone noe wat i should do because yesterday i wore my pearl 9's for the first time and i was walking they just completely fell apart so any advice would help

Pics would help
^ second that! no pics means no advice for this subject. it's like asking stevie wonder what color he wants for his bedroom walls!
like somebody told me about my ix's (basically the same thing).

as far as the paint chipping, best thing to do is either touch-up with angelus paint or strip the paint off and do a repaint with the angelus pain
I am planning on washing a pair of pure money 3s (they are beaters) and wanted to know how to do so. I no to take out the laces but do i need to stuff them?what about the insoles? what setting for the washing machine? air dry or machine dry? thanks in advanced....any other tips are GREATLY appreciated
lol... best advice would be to wear them, but if you REALLY REALLY dont want to. Store them in a dark, dry closet.
pure money iii's- since the shoes are beaters, i would do the washer machine thing. it's not like they can get any worse. as far as stuffing them, iwouldn't think you would have to do that. the drying thing. well, if you have a rack that can be placed inside of your dryer then you can do that. lowheat. if not, you can let them air dry after they get done washing. i don't believe the pure money's have any suede or nubuck, so you don't have toworry about destroying that material in the washer.
permanent marker- hey fattoo, did you try rubbing alcohol? this might work.
orange stained lace holders on x's- seems like the dye from the laces are starting to stain the lace holders. maybe try detergent and a toothbrush to scrubit in and try to take out some of the staining. if not, maybe oxyclean. i think it's safe for something like this but read it first before trying it out.
preventing crumbling on iii's- if you don't plan on wearing them, best thing to do is the dark closet thing. but you know that eventually over time theshoe will start to dry out due to the materials it's made of. it's a sad fact that this will happend. my advice is to wear them occasionally so thatthe foam doesn't dry out so fast. enjoy the shoes.
thanks alot....also does anyone have any tips about wearing shoes wit jeans that run the dye on teh shoes...i hate this but i need a fix
quick question , so if you stripp and repaint your midsole on some 3's with angus paint . will they chipp again after a few wears . or is the angus paintalot better then what jb uses and stays on there forever . did ogs have this problem of chipping ?? or was the paint mixed in to the rubber / foam so that thewhole piece was colored all the way though ???
agold1002 wrote:
thanks alot....also does anyone have any tips about wearing shoes wit jeans that run the dye on teh shoes...i hate this but i need a fix

I heard if you put some tape on the inside of your pants this will help never tried it myself but maybe it will help.
with the repaint with angelus paint, it works out a lot better. sometimes better than original paint on retro j's from about 2004 and up. these shoes arepretty notorious for lackluster paint quality. good examples of the poor paint quality are like the cool grey iv's, military blue iv's, etc. theangelus paint is more flexible and seems to give more as you wear them. i haven't had any problems with any of my shoes i have repainted with angeluspaint. i've repainted cool grey iv's, mocha iii's, the toe boxes on french blue vii's and '00 olympic vi's. as long as you clean up theareas being repainted of all the old paint with acetone, the new coat will stick on there very good. hope this helps.
-dye run off from jeans- usually this problem arises from wearing newer jeans with darker dye jobs. most of my jean's aren't dark in color, so ihaven't had this problem. my only suggestion is to not wear newer jeans until they have been washed a couple of times. that way the dye run-off will beless likely.
I got sea glow for my V's, but I was wondering, has anyone used sea glow for the air bubbles on Air Max Uptempo's

My uptempos air bubbles are slightly yellowed and I want to use sea glow on them if it'll work
You just want to take precaution while applying the seaglow to much can make parts of the shoe fall apart of possibly crumble if done wrong.
whats the best way to clean the mesh tongue on a pair of Jordan IX's , also the best way to get creases out of the toe box and what can I use for scuffmarks and slightly yellowing of the white part of the shoe mainly the tip and the bottom side where the jumpman is? All help appreciated
^I dont know if you are talking about the tongue but mine are yellowing. I was thinking of using the little tide pen but im not sure anybody have an input asto what to do to get rid of the yellowing on these? and also these are still DS i scored this pair off of ebay a couple of months ago but i dont wanna justtake them out and rock them for a full day at school and have them crack. Let me know if anyone has some answers, I know pimpjobu always comes through. Hereare a couple of pics of the yellowing.
-try using the tide pen idea like jazz145 said. if that doesn't work, then maybe try using rit like a bunch of us use on the mesh of the xi's. iwouldn't try using bkf because i think the tongue on the ix's is very thin compared to the xi's. another alternative is maybe using bleach towhiten up the areas on the tongue that are affected. maybe dilute the bleach with some water so it doesn't eat up the areas and make them weak. the creaseson the toe box maybe can be taken out with the pillow case trick that's done with the xiii's.
-storing shoes in an attic- you know when the house is hot the air tends to go up towards the roof, so more hot air is going to be trapped in the attic.depending on where you friend lives will affect this storage method. i mean you would need to have a house fan to get the hot air out from the roof. think ofit this way. would you want to store your shoes in a sauna? this would be pretty much what your friend would be doing. store in a closet.
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