Educated guess is we rally for The month. Next months CPI will come back that inflation hasnt peaked yet. Then we go down, and possible go further down during election season.
Bought 30 SPY 425 ODTE calls this morning for an avg of .26 per.

Ended up selling them 10 at a time during the day. Came out with 1.3k profit on the day.

If I held to EOD it would’ve been like 5.5k. Knowing my luck it would’ve faded off. Glad to take my win.

I always lock in my profits too. I rather see green/take green than let a green trade go red. I rarely even look back to see what the cons ended at, it don’t really matter much

I’m getting better at it. Limiting risk and taking my money. Cashing out 1.5k and moving it to my 401.

Starting back over with 500 next week.
Percentage wise, at its worse a few months back my 401k was down 22% YTD, and now sits at -10.5% YTD. The fluctuations have been crazy. For many of these index funds, you’re expecting 5-10 year growth to sit in the 8-15% growth range, so to see 10% happening within half a year isn’t showing these as exactly stable. Best to just set it and forget it. Check every 5 months.

A year to year comparison shows a 2% loss, and go back two years, and we’re at a 31.5% positive gain. I think it was as high as 50-60%. Dca as best you can. Oddly I think I invested more in the good growth times than when it was -22%. My mental mindset needs to change. You don’t know it’s the bottom until it’s too late
Percentage wise, at its worse a few months back my 401k was down 22% YTD, and now sits at -10.5% YTD. The fluctuations have been crazy. For many of these index funds, you’re expecting 5-10 year growth to sit in the 8-15% growth range, so to see 10% happening within half a year isn’t showing these as exactly stable. Best to just set it and forget it. Check every 5 months.

Well the S&P grew 30% back to back years. It is bound to even out. That’s not normal. We should be seeing sideways action for longer to make it up. Most of the 00s were sideways from one recession to the other because of some much growth in the 90s during the tech boom.
^true. I’m like 33% sp500/ 25% us reit / and then some russell 1000 and sp400.

Like right as Covid hit in 2020, I actually was in the red from nearly a decade of ‘401k investing’, and since then it’s all been quite the savior situation. I expect and want sideways somewhat positive growth. This is more of a savings account than a true growth money maker.

Overall with it all, I’m up about 19%.

And yet, I joined Webull 6 weeks back and am up 20-25% in various stocks. Just luck of the draw timing as the market upticks I suppose. These apps make it seem so easy. That’s the draw.

My biggest problem is that I am doing the 401k pretax so I can take some tax liability away, when I should’ve been comboing the entire thing as our taxes all inevitably rise
I split half to Traditional and half to Roth 401k. Might go full Roth for a few years. 100% equities. I'm roughly 65% S&P500, 25% international, 10% emerging. If we get an average 8% return for next 30 years we will all be in great shape. 6-7% and we'll be fine too.

1c3m4m 1c3m4m yes do both. Max the personal Roth out for sure. There's going to be a day where you make too much money to contribute to it (w/o having to back-door) so take advantage while you can contribute. I think it's around $130k where you're no longer able to contribute to a personal Roth.
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