Anyone else excited for VLO tomorrow? Bought an Aug 69.5 call. Hoping for a little pop to turn a quick, small profit.
Anyone else excited for VLO tomorrow? Bought an Aug 69.5 call. Hoping for a little pop to turn a quick, small profit.

Don't pay too much attention to oil companies, but do they change much after ERs? I feel like they don't from what I've seen with CVX & XOM.
Depends. VLO has been a great company the past year despite the oil volatility, and I'm betting that that'll continue tomorrow. With the bad news from everyone else thus far I'm hoping it won't take much for their demand to rise.

But in the end I'm just speculating and hoping my bet was placed in the right direction.
I don't ******* get it :smh: Record quarter, beat key metrics, stock gets murdered. Was there some terrible guidance on the call or something? Has VLO even had their earnings call? ******* pissed right now.
I don't ******* get it
Record quarter, beat key metrics, stock gets murdered. Was there some terrible guidance on the call or something? Has VLO even had their earnings call? ******* pissed right now.
Welcome to AAPL's last earnings report. Revenue growth of 30%+ but a P/E of 14? Cannot be real life. 
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Welcome to the world of earnings trading.

Hope you didn't risk more than you can afford to lose. ER are crapshoots.

Had some AAPL 121 puts. Meant to sell half at the lows but fat fingered the entire order. Worked out pretty well since I basically low-ticked it. Nice little gain (.23 entry .37 exit), probably done with the week unless there's a juicy butterfly I can do later for earnings risking like 50 bucks.
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I risked $40 :lol: Just frustrating. But been down this road before, so whatever. Just gotta expect it goes this way sometimes.
Oh you'll be fine :lol:

I usually just trade spreads on earnings with that week's options expiry. Take the at the money straddle, add it to the stock price for your upside target, subtract it for your downside target, and piece together a spread from there (picking the direction you feel most likely) that gives you at least 3 to 1 risk reward.

For example: TWTR is at 30, straddle is $4, targets 34 or 26. I think it's going lower, might do a 28-26 put spread if it costs .50 or less, or 27-26 if it costs .30 or less.
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I usually play straddles too. But the one time I go into it thinking it's foolproof, it blows up in my face :lol: C'est la vie.
$40 is $40 :lol: I'm not upset. I'll just wait for the bounce and close the position for a small loss if a loss at all. Not sweating it. Now if I had put real $ on the line, maybe a different story.
^ depends on the terms of the deal I guess. The deals I hear about the acquired company shareholders get either cash for their shares (they get bought out at the agreed upon price which is usually more than the current price) or they can convert their shares to the buying company or new company if a merger. Hope this makes some sense
^ depends on the terms of the deal I guess. The deals I hear about the acquired company shareholders get either cash for their shares (they get bought out at the agreed upon price which is usually more than the current price) or they can convert their shares to the buying company or new company if a merger. Hope this makes some sense

Thanks for helping me out.

I hear Starwood is going to buy IHG.
^ depends on the terms of the deal I guess. The deals I hear about the acquired company shareholders get either cash for their shares (they get bought out at the agreed upon price which is usually more than the current price) or they can convert their shares to the buying company or new company if a merger. Hope this makes some sense

Thanks for helping me out.

I hear Starwood is going to buy IHG.

IHG price is gonna have a slight surge, always seems to happen when talks of a merger/buyout come up. The company who will be bought stock pops then drops
just know if you hear rumors a lot of times it's just noise so dont get hopeful and ride the drop when nothing materializes. take some off into the pop, leave some on for a runner and raise your stop in case it's just noise.
just know if you hear rumors a lot of times it's just noise so dont get hopeful and ride the drop when nothing materializes. take some off into the pop, leave some on for a runner and raise your stop in case it's just noise.
Yeah that's basically what i've been doing. I'm not really a trader, but I have been trading AAPL a little bit between the low 120's and high 120's. I'm happy with the number of shares I have on either side of the trade, if ya dig. Basically 'trading' with about 25% of my shares. 
just know if you hear rumors a lot of times it's just noise so dont get hopeful and ride the drop when nothing materializes. take some off into the pop, leave some on for a runner and raise your stop in case it's just noise.

Yeah that's basically what i've been doing. I'm not really a trader, but I have been trading AAPL a little bit between the low 120's and high 120's. I'm happy with the number of shares I have on either side of the trade, if ya dig. Basically 'trading' with about 25% of my shares. 
trading around a core :lol: it's a good move.
Yea I prefer to trade around a core on my bigger picture ideas so I can give room to add without stressing nickels and dimes. Like on ITEK my starter short was around 17 so small size gave me a wider stop. I find this lets the trade work for me or proves me wrong. Either way being comfortable with the potential loss is crucial. Take emotions out of it. Having the core position also gets rid of the "fear of missing out" for me on the home run type setups and allows me to be patient
Got stopped in some FB puts this morning, small loss. Had a nice entry in TWTR puts but took them off prematurely, could've erased the day's losses but didn't give it time even though it eventually hit the target I was looking for upon entry. Gotta be comfortable and let trades play out, knowing my risk and the trend.
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