Fitbit should be prime for another run after this sell off. Good time to have excess cash; AAPL, DIS, FIT, TSLA all taking beatings despite great earnings and decent to strong outlooks.
Fitbit should be prime for another run after this sell off. Good time to have excess cash; AAPL, DIS, FIT, TSLA all taking beatings despite great earnings and decent to strong outlooks.
FIT is garbage

Having said that, a monster squeeze ala GPRO or SHAK wouldn't surprise me. Seems to be the trend. Turd IPO pops, drops, shorts get squeezed fueling a monster move, secondary comes out, stock fades for real this time.
Of course it is. Limited growth potential and an oversaturated, relatively niche market will be the death of them. Or at least bring the price down to reality. But they'll squeeze in one more rally over the next quarter before getting dumped for good, like you said. International growth is going to be stunted by Apple and Microsoft. It'd be nice if the options weren't so ******* expensive.
SPY is going to 207.36 if that doesn’t hold 204.26. could be some more ugly days on the horizon.

FB :x vicious short today, argh. Future reference, when a stock pushes to and can't break through 100, usually has an ugly down move.

I had a nice entry on some TWTR 28 puts, made decent coin, but left some money on the table. Oh well.

DIS could have a move to 100 in store if this market continues lower.

344.69 could be a decent entry point in IBB to the long side.
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So when does USO/crude stop sliding?
/cl is basically sitting near its swing lows on the weekly chart. If that snaps rip. Could be descent r/r taking a long near those lows w a stop at them but that's a tough trade/headache to deal with.
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Anyone keep up with video game stocks? TTWO announces earnings Monday, got into a 31/33 strangle hoping for at least a 4% move.
i assume everyone is taking a little beating this week :x

Getting KILLED the last couple weeks. AAPL, TSLA, UNFI, Sprouts Farmers Market (SFM), CVX, GWPH.

No real worries though. Looking for opportunities to buy more. Gonna cop more AMZN if the downtrend continue.
Yeah they killed their earnings. Activision too. So I'm hoping the good news spreads along to Take Two.
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