FSLY at 82 now sheesh. I had buy orders set around 63 bleh. This is the only problem with not buying and holding, sometimes you have an idea for an add and it never happens. Bounced right off 69 and never looked back. Glad I still hold my core though.

Idk if we'll see the market tank on Biden. I have a feeling the powers that be want Trump out and might tank the market beforehand to get him out. Gut feeling. We'll see.
Glad I took my gains in DKNG. Will look to re-enter as this push down was came a bit unexpectedly (at least to me)
dont mind me gents. gonna sit and learn as I opened an account to start trading yesterday

Dont worry about trading, start worrying about investing. Get a solid base started to grow slow. Trading your $$$ right off the bat with no long term cushion is how you lose it all. Seeing talk of day trading options and getting returns is great and exciting, but if you're coming in fresh to the most unpredictable and disconnected market in history, you're going to get your *** swiped by the market.
Houston icu’s at max capacity.

Jan 2022 $100 calls were bought today. $1million in premium. Stock hasn’t looked back since. Not selling another share until $200.
Got a push alert that Texas is pausing their reopening plans. Once Texas shuts back down, the markets are going to spiral. Hows oil looking these days? Anecdotally, one major (privately held) pipeline company out of Texas has about 20% of their workforce left. Everyone else was furloughed or laid off earlier this year.
Got a push alert that Texas is pausing their reopening plans. Once Texas shuts back down, the markets are going to spiral. Hows oil looking these days? Anecdotally, one major (privately held) pipeline company out of Texas has about 20% of their workforce left. Everyone else was furloughed or laid off earlier this year.
Oil was strong up until this, I wonder if we see a push lower and more potential deflation with people realizing that reopening is a dangerous and flawed endeavor.
Oil was strong up until this, I wonder if we see a push lower and more potential deflation with people realizing that reopening is a dangerous and flawed endeavor.

We'll see a market bloodbath once everything shuts down. I mean, Texas, governor Abbot, they've been championing the reopen fight and now that they're shutting down? So will everybody else that matters. Oil is going to crash, anything oil touches will slump hard, and the broader market will feel that too.
NYC / NJ / Conn planning on requiring visitors from "hot spot" states to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. Tourism dead there for foreseeable future?
protection against the second wave is going to be lead by non-federaL institutions. States more proactive against tourism, companies more empathic instilling preventative measures, hottest states keeping people & virus inside. Patience, buying opportunities coming
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