Real estate for me as well. I'm waiting for the eviction moratorium to be removed before I will consider adding another property

Even before corona I was looking at getting a rental property, so I'm not gonna be mad at a bit of a drop in the next 6 months or so. Holding off for the time being, as we see what happens with foreclosures and even corporate job security.
This is going to be bloody. No longer funding testing sites, travel bans in the early stages, there’s gonna be a huge second wave sadly. God willing I’m wrong but people are *******s. Wear a mask.

lord willing you’re wrong but oh so right. Biden election numbers getting pumped. Too much uncertainty right now. Cash is king
I'm house hunting in the bay area. Was looking at 800k property. Had 2 offers over listing, cash. Rich people still rich here

I don't know where you're looking specifically, but there's not a lot of inventory at least compared to last few years price movement not as severe yet because there's not a glut of homes. We were actively looking before the pandemic. Now contemplating a 2nd home elsewhere.

Damn :lol:

Also, got word today from my work that we're closed for the rest of the year, assuming things dont change. This was after a 3 week test period for one of our Texas offices to set up a slow reopening. Because the spike in COVID, they're scrapping all office reopennings across the country.

My buddies office is closed until end of July with further closures likely too, along with all other offices in their company. The rest of the country should be seeing shutdowns again soon if this trend picks up like COVID numbers have.

These new case numbers should be put into context with how the mortality rate for Covid has evolved. If new cases are raising as fast or just as fast as people recovering from Covid then a nominal increase in cases is not as bad as it sounds. If cases are increasing in unison with Covid related deaths then that’s a different story.
These new case numbers should be put into context with how the mortality rate for Covid has evolved. If new cases are raising as fast or just as fast as people recovering from Covid then a nominal increase in cases is not as bad as it sounds. If cases are increasing in unison with Covid related deaths then that’s a different story.

look at the hospitalization rates and the States running out of beds.
look at the hospitalization rates and the States running out of beds.

Seems like the "curve was flattened" at least somewhat, no? Looking at yesterday's number there were no states with even 100 deaths, whereas during the peak a couple of months ago NYC was seeing 1000+ deaths per day. Michigan was seeing 200+ deaths per day for a while.

Are we getting to a point where the corona has taken out the "weakest" portion of the population, and its killing less people now? Hard to understand the numbers and whether or not this 2nd wave is likely to get back to those previous daily death numbers - or if we'll just continue seeing more and more people test positive (and survive). My wife works at hospital, barely, as they are super slow and have no patients and are considering permanent layoffs.
Deaths are a lagging indicator. They don't happen right away. God forbid, but the deaths should be hitting the mark in the next two weeks. Hospitalizations is the real sign of **** hitting the fan. Testing technically is meaningless but of course, it's the precursor to hospitalizations.
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