twitter starting a paid subscription service called gryphon. wonder if it will compete with only fans :lol: nah but seriously stock popped nicely on the idea. no position because I do wonder how popular it will be and I almost rather just buy more Facebook but this is a big development for the world of social. if this works, expect Zuckerberg to do something similar as a way to weed out hate speech/trolls.
the lack of accessible credit is going to hurt housing prices. low rates is great, but when the banks are requiring 20% down and a 700 credit score to get a loan, that's just not feasible in today's landscape. maybe we see a return of predatory adjustable rate loans :lol:
AAPL keeps going. 400 by August?

added back some WORK. made a mistake selling, held 30 beautifully. do like the story long term, just got bored by the action. bleh.
The financials (growth margin, etc) kinda check out early on for a growth stock. Negative free cash flow and EPS but thats expected from a new company.
All I no is this sounds like the greatest advice I've heard..


Simply put: when in doubt, I get the hell out!
I am only loyal to my capital.

Those are great, invaluable words to live by.

im up almost 40% in the last 1.5 months or so. I know my account is light but im just getting into it more so no shame. Took a $2500 loss last year on some Canadian scheme stock so it kinda soured me for a little

want to get into options (Tesla/Apple Calls mainly) but dont want to lose my *** at the same time

im up almost 40% in the last 1.5 months or so. I know my account is light but im just getting into it more so no shame. Took a $2500 loss last year on some Canadian scheme stock so it kinda soured me for a little

want to get into options (Tesla/Apple Calls mainly) but dont want to lose my *** at the same time

jjs jjs plz fix
  • Haha
Reactions: jjs
Punting WORK. Don't have time for this laggard ****. Tech stocks are doubling every month and this turd can barely hold a breakout. Let it double on someone else's watch.
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