I think we may have avoided a catastrophe for now. This was a decent draw down for individual stocks. Indices didn’t pull as much because of the mega tech stocks hanging steady.

I deployed some more cash and I’m down to just like 3% of the cash position I started with. I want to buy more SQ but I’ll wait for an edge to do so and I plan on keeping some cash free and my hedges active for now. Ideally want to see a weak open tomorrow that gets snapped up and we continue making a higher high than the previous day.
Thread is moving too quick. $200 still a price target for buying SQ? Might just open a small position now to get started. Looking at


as some stuff to get started in. Then of course a few Apple shares
Indeed. DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I didn’t intend to make it about race. I was talking politically speaking, the left and the right in unison over this is crazy.
Look how smug this dude is.

**** the Mets

Wow. 15% loss yesterday and I bet he’s back in the green through manipulation. I hope word gets out and fans boycott the team.
I agree everyone should practice fundamentals but amc was really gon hit $40 today if it wasn’t for getting shutout by major brokers. The trade volume today is 10% of what it was yesterday.

You can’t really say, “ha I told you don’t invest in garbage” when the **** was about to hit before they changed the rules.
I agree everyone should practice fundamentals but amc was really gon hit $40 today if it wasn’t for getting shutout by major brokers. The trade volume is 10% of what it was yesterday.

You can’t really say, “ha I told you don’t invest in garbage” when the **** was about to hit before they changed the rules.
Historically, some made sense as increases. AMC was in the $30s not even 4 years ago. Nokia had surges into the $20s and $30s before. Bbby was in the $40s 5 years back. They’re really picking and choosing what gets pumped more than the true pumpers lol. NOK was in the $6s 5 years ago. Now they’re not allowed to be bought? I wonder what these companies have to say about this?

coincidence some big positions got closed this morning?
always gotta understand the game wasnt made for us....It just decides to rear its head every now and then. The magnitude of this though? We will see. Im sure nothing comes of it.
always gotta understand the game wasnt made for us....It just decides to rear its head every now and then. The magnitude of this though? We will see. Im sure nothing comes of it.
I dont know man. We are talking about millions of people who are aware now of what is occurring. It's not like market manipulation hasn't been happening forever, it completely has, but never have a couple million people banned together to expose it. I think SOMETHING significant comes out of this and hopefully the BULLS are rewarded for exposing this.
The writing was on the wall yesterday when they were already limiting/restricting trades. They weren't magically going to reverse on those positions
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