took a small position in CAPA at 12.90. proteomics is an interesting industry to get into very early but lots of potential. .6% position, moonshot size, will leave it for a while.
im glad I just took the L and got out, **** was weighing on me. TDOC long term should work well because of Livongo, but short term, Amazon + reopening is too much pressure. With Cathie as the only buyer here, it doesn't help either.

I still own a few shares in my daughter's account which I buy and hold and ignore in.
In retrospect, this market has played out EXACTLY how you would think and following COVID perfectly.

Lockdowns > Tech >>>>> Vaccine companies >>>> Value >>>> Hospitality and Leisure. You could have shorted the opposite at any stage and literally become a gazillionaire.

Now we get into rates and inflation. **** is scary.
Just waiting on the Fed to speak to see how this things go. It's either going to be a quick bounce back (good) or ugly (if it's bad.)
WHAT!!!! That is crazy bro. How does one even maneuver around that. Realistically anything you buy you might as well be prepared to hold it for a year at that rate.
Yea, it’s awful. Our GC’s office is just super conservative. Basically have to only buy stock that I’m willing to hold on to. Makes some things a bit easier though since there’s no point in checking daily swings.
Yea, it’s awful. Our GC’s office is just super conservative. Basically have to only buy stock that I’m willing to hold on to. Makes some things a bit easier though since there’s no point in checking daily swings.
That's the only upside I can think of. Would still be scary to think I couldnt offload in a black swan event though.
Just waiting on the Fed to speak to see how this things go. It's either going to be a quick bounce back (good) or ugly (if it's bad.)
the market is going to sell off while he talks. whether it rebounds viciously, we'll see. but be prepared for red and if you have names you want to own, have bids open.

added a starter in ACUIF at 14.19. this will be a small position for me for now. .3% now, will be .6% at full size. been adding some moon shots to the account this week on sale that are around .5-1% positions. looking to add small cap exposure while building up my big hitters.
the market is going to sell off while he talks. whether it rebounds viciously, we'll see. but be prepared for red and if you have names you want to own, have bids open.

added a starter in ACUIF at 14.19. this will be a small position for me for now. .3% now, will be .6% at full size. been adding some moon shots to the account this week on sale that are around .5-1% positions. looking to add small cap exposure while building up my big hitters.

It's insane to me. The man literally says the same thing every time. And every time the market sells off while he's speaking :lol:

I don't even care one single bit. I'll buy the dip with whatever cash I have. But I'm market fatigued. It's time to just HODL.

All I see is a rollercoaster ride and lots of volatility upcoming.
Everybody strap in, we're going to the moon :pimp:

I swear I added more calls before that lift off I saw the setup it looks different in the picture now with that big one min candle
Added 5 more shares of PTON at 105 since I wont be allowed to trade it anymore starting next week. Contemplating adding a share of AMZN to fire off the last chunk of cash I've got sitting.
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