I like the idea of ups as a backdoor e-commerce play. We’re just in a hyper growth environment but their earnings and revenue growth has been good for a company of that age and size.

ive worked for them and their tech is running on a potato windows 95. pro and con to it. pro is that old tech works fine and doesnt need to update but geezus.
AMD earnings this Tuesday. I’ve been holding this bag refusing to take an L. Really thought they’d be Intel best competitor, plus all my friends are building computers now. Might continue holding until it’s over 100
AMD earnings this Tuesday. I’ve been holding this bag refusing to take an L. Really thought they’d be Intel best competitor, plus all my friends are building computers now. Might continue holding until it’s over 100
Loaded on some more sub 90. Big believer in AMD long term.
ive worked for them and their tech is running on a potato windows 95. pro and con to it. pro is that old tech works fine and doesnt need to update but geezus.

Huge con is that Win 95 is out of support. If their IT trully allows the company to have a majority of their workstations run unsupported software, that is a HUGE risk for multi-billion dollar corp.
I'm long on us reit index funds. Malls and stuff will rebound. I'm upping some inputs now. 2019 had greater growth than all of the others. 2020 was real bad.

maybe im thinking too simplistic on the wsb folks. If they all sell at the same time, there's bound to be losers within the group, right? I tried to follow some waves with RH and got burned. Very few are in it for the Long haul. That first big drop and all the rats jump ship. They say theyre in it long and tell you to buy but that stock position may be gone, as they sit on options

I saw a dude ask if he should transfer/move his Roth into gme Monday. For the most part, trust no one. How many duds have wsb's seen? They won't share the to the Moon duds that lost everyone money, will they?

Looking at the volume charts, many did buy at the $70 high, so many may leave as soon as their breakeven or within 20% losses.
I don’t frequent WSB often, but there’s usually a lot more posts about losing big then about winning big. It’s easy to look at GME and daydream about some super quick riches, but more often then not it doesn’t work out that way.
No way they are still running 95, that is unheard of.

im exaggerating but their logistics side runs on a potato.

Huge con is that Win 95 is out of support. If their IT trully allows the company to have a majority of their workstations run unsupported software, that is a HUGE risk for multi-billion dollar corp.

im exaggerating, their IT side is fine. crazy amounts of security on top of it. their logistics side is crazy potato
im exaggerating but their logistics side runs on a potato.

im exaggerating, their IT side is fine. crazy amounts of security on top of it. their logistics side is crazy potato

It sounds believable though. We have external customers using our enterprise solutions and their IT is behind. Usually because of lack of manpower. Anything to save $$$. They will get off maintenance support for enterprise software and endure the risk to save $$$ - especially once that solution has proven it's stability.
It sounds believable though. We have external customers using our enterprise solutions and their IT is behind. Usually because of lack of manpower. Anything to save $$$. They will get off maintenance support for enterprise software and endure the risk to save $$$ - especially once that solution has proven it's stability.

most of it is due to "oh its not broke so why do x" and the older heads dont understand tech. they dont have to maintain their computers why maintain the infrastructure behind it.
Busy earning week coming. What are you guys watching or playing?

I'm watching Tuesday: AMD, JNJ LMT MSFT, NEE, SBUX Wednesday: AAPL, FB, GD, TSLA


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Out of curiosity for those that do not mind sharing, how much of your net worth (excluding 401k) is allocated to the market?

I come from a very conservative household so I use to allocate 70-80% between high yield savings and CDs. Back when rates were 2-3%, that was ok but with low rates expected for the foreseeable future, that asset allocation doesn’t make sense anymore.

I’ve been slowly allocating more to the market, mainly DCAing as I’m pretty skeptical of current valuations/bullish sentinments given the current state of the economy but I guess FOMO??? Might as well ride the way for now and being mindful of stop losses for the low conviction names.
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