SMH at myself for getting shaken out of AAPL calls yesterday.
If you traded to your plan, there's nothing wrong with that. Especially if you profited. Nobody ever went broke by taking some of the profits and avoiding all of the loses.

There's going to be another good entry point today. Just watch.
SMH at myself for getting shaken out of AAPL calls yesterday.
If you traded to your plan, there's nothing wrong with that. Especially if you profited. Nobody ever went broke by taking some of the profits and avoiding all of the loses.

There's going to be another good entry point today. Just watch.

You're right, but I actually sold at a slight loss. Looking for new entry today.
Random observation, but I'm guessing your tax piece of this is going to be a mess...hope you guys are tracking with a lot of detail (i.e. - lots, etc).
Speaking of taxes, the upcoming rise in capital gains taxes is ********. Great way to hurt the market.

:lol: How much LT capital gains do you have?

I don't disagree, but I wouldn't be surprised if a new policy is adopted and grandfathered back to 12/31 after the first of the year.
:lol: How much LT capital gains do you have?
I don't disagree, but I wouldn't be surprised if a new policy is adopted and grandfathered back to 12/31 after the first of the year.
Few long-term. More short-term (which will also rise with the start of the new year). I'm just debating what moves I should make. This is going to be my last tax-free year since I'll finally have a job come June.
Your LT postions aren't aapl, are they? Or anything else you actively trade? If so, be aware of wash sales/constructive sales.
Your LT postions aren't aapl, are they? Or anything else you actively trade? If so, be aware of wash sales/constructive sales.
All my trades are AAPL. I'm not an active trader when it comes to commons. Only options.

From a tax perspective, I believe it would benefit me to sell before the end of the year and capture my gains. But I'll talk it over with my dad who does side work with a CPA.
Most fund/fund managers try to harvest losses to offset gains...but w/ the uncertainty around the taxation, you'll see a mix of both this year. In recent times at least.

I would have the discussion sooner than later because even w/ option plays you need to consider:

1) Constructive Sales: I'm not sure exactly how you trade/invest, but I'll supply you with the concept so you can have a conversation with your dad/CPA - taxable event resulting in recognition of a gain as a result of an offsetting security. For example when you're long and short the same security. Similiar, if you have a call and a put. There are a couple exemptions to this, but it is contingent on holding periods mainly.

2) Wash sales: for options, it's driven off expiration date not strike price

3) Straddles: Can't realize losses on a position for tax purposes if you have gains in an offsetting position that is still open.
Examples: Long equity v. Put / short (written) call / short stock or Short stock v. call / long equity / short (written) put

Exemptions: 1) if you were long the position over one year before the offset.
2) Qualified cover call - lots of detail on this one

I don't deal w/ it as much since my focus is audit, but I certainly see it in practice and w/ clients.
Your LT postions aren't aapl, are they? Or anything else you actively trade? If so, be aware of wash sales/constructive sales.
All my trades are AAPL. I'm not an active trader when it comes to commons. Only options.

From a tax perspective, I believe it would benefit me to sell before the end of the year and capture my gains. But I'll talk it over with my dad who does side work with a CPA.

Why sell this year? If you sell this year you have to pay the tax by April 2013. If you wait until 1/1/13 to sell, you don't have to pay tax until April 2014.
wow, I certainly wasn't expecting such a bloodbath after the results of the election...
Today was thanks to Draghi's comments about Germany.

**** that whole continent. We have our own problems at home, and these fools are not helping us.

I used up my last cash to buy more April spreads. AAPL trading below ex-cash P/E 10 has historically been an absolutely wonderful opportunity to buy.
Im saying, I'm not ruling out the possibility of a crash. There's been too much optimism lately. Anythings possible.
My student investment group finally sold our Netflix stock.

I'm thinking about pitching squares, the mobile payment system for small merchants.

I just have a gut feeling abput mobile transactions.
:lol: I don't even know what to say. I have $100 cash left and I'm trying to use it. This is insane. Breaking through every single meaningful moving average makes it extremely difficult to get going again. I'm so pissed that I botched my January spreads so badly. Otherwise I wouldn't even be worried. Learning the hard way and it will never happen again.
My student investment group finally sold our Netflix stock.
I'm thinking about pitching squares, the mobile payment system for small merchants.
I just have a gut feeling abput mobile transactions.

Square isn't public, just so you know.
Hopefully all you apple stans are beginning to see the light. Negative news after negative news, company has matured and is on the down slope. TVs aren't gonna save em.
Hopefully all you apple stans are beginning to see the light. Negative news after negative news, company has matured and is on the down slope. TVs aren't gonna save em.
Negative news? What negative news? That they can't meet demand for any of their products? Every consumer company would love to have that same problem.

Lord I can't wait for six months from now. I will not be nice about it.

AAPL has fallen into the perfect storm of ****. We had our typical quarterly decline, which led into a crappy earnings, which led into a bad election and renewed Euro zone problems.

I'm just going to keep buying the dip. Trading at a 9.29 ex cash PE? Yes please.
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