Hopefully all you apple stans are beginning to see the light. Negative news after negative news, company has matured and is on the down slope. TVs aren't gonna save em.
Negative news? What negative news? That they can't meet demand for any of their products? Every consumer company would love to have that same problem.

Lord I can't wait for six months from now. I will not be nice about it.

AAPL has fallen into the perfect storm of ****. We had our typical quarterly decline, which led into a crappy earnings, which led into a bad election and renewed Euro zone problems.

I'm just going to keep buying the dip. Trading at a 9.29 ex cash PE? Yes please.

Don't do it man. The economy is slowing.
Don't do it man. The economy is slowing.
Which of course complicates things, I know.

But show me where demand for Apple products is slowing, and then I'll stop investing in this company. India rollout happened earlier this week to surprisingly huge fanfare. China Mobile deal is still not in place. India and China are two huge untapped growth potentials. The iPhone only commands ~15% of the smartphone market. Is there room for growth there? Hell yes.

I'm not blindly investing my money. I feel the risks versus reward ratio is heavily in my favor right now. Of course cash is always a wonderful hedge, but I see more attractive options.
i've got a buy limit order on AAPL @ $527

take a look at 5 yr chart

head and shoulders pattern that i'm gonna take a risk on :smokin

got analysts saying it'll go to $425 :smh:

and some saying it will hit $900 :smh:

none of them know what the hell they're talking about :nerd:

just wait for the fed to come with some reassuring words about resolving the fiscal cliff in the coming days and there will be a decent rebound, but overall looks like a bear market through the end of the yr

i say aapl has strong earnings after the holidays and rebounds a bit if not recovers

my 2cents
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Which of course complicates things, I know.
But show me where demand for Apple products is slowing, and then I'll stop investing in this company. India rollout happened earlier this week to surprisingly huge fanfare. China Mobile deal is still not in place. India and China are two huge untapped growth potentials. The iPhone only commands ~15% of the smartphone market. Is there room for growth there? Hell yes.
I'm not blindly investing my money. I feel the risks versus reward ratio is heavily in my favor right now. Of course cash is always a wonderful hedge, but I see more attractive options.

demand might not be slowing but their reputation is deteriorating with **** products like ipad mini, and iphone5 f-ups
Don't do it man. The economy is slowing.
Which of course complicates things, I know.

But show me where demand for Apple products is slowing, and then I'll stop investing in this company. India rollout happened earlier this week to surprisingly huge fanfare. China Mobile deal is still not in place. India and China are two huge untapped growth potentials. The iPhone only commands ~15% of the smartphone market. Is there room for growth there? Hell yes.

I'm not blindly investing my money. I feel the risks versus reward ratio is heavily in my favor right now. Of course cash is always a wonderful hedge, but I see more attractive options.

So here's the thing. When the economy slows, people pull money out of the market. You cannot win against cash flowing out of the market. It will sink all stocks. I still have some conservative dividend investments that are taking a small hit right now. I sold my more aggressive positions like CMG, DLTR and ARNA. (small positions)

What I'm saying is that unless Apple has BLOWOUT numbers over the next couple quarters, the risk vs. reward is not in your favor because you are fighting against the overall trend of the market which is lower.
Apple will hit $700 within the next 6 months. If you're an investor now's a great time to buy. If you're a trader, keep milking the cow because this one's been a great one to make money on. I wouldn't worry about Apple.
demand might not be slowing but their reputation is deteriorating with **** products like ipad mini, and iphone5 f-ups
:lol: First, have you owned either? Second, have you owned their predecessors?

**** products tens of millions times over in a single quarter.
I just came across this. What are your thoughts? Is there some sort of catch?

Trading within your retirement vehicle IRA/Roth IRA makes things easier...but you're obviously limited on the use of your gains. Losses cannot be offset against gains either because of the nature of the IRA.

Thanks, where do I find the most up-to-date information regarding this?
IRS Publication 590 chapters 1 and 2 for information specific to IRAs, capital gains is elsewhere but Im not sure what code section off the top of my head
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I'm new here. But I really wanna start investing some of the little money I have..

Any good guides to starting? Tips etc? Really trying to get into this.. :x

Estimated 807 Million floating shares today. Very interested to see how this will play too.

>: stupid Hurricane Sandy messing up the internet at work today so we have to keep the TV's off while at work. I wish I could follow CNBC today for all the updates. (Working on Wall St)
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That's massive short covering for FB plus collusion amongst those holding lockup shares to not sell. Same thing that happened with YELP.

Estimated 807 Million floating shares today. Very interested to see how this will play too.

>: stupid Hurricane Sandy messing up the internet at work today so we have to keep the TV's off while at work. I wish I could follow CNBC today for all the updates. (Working on Wall St)

Probably plummets next week. Whatever just play the opposite of what's rational with this stock.
Strongly worded - care to explain?
800M shares held by insiders and early investors are opened up for trade and you don't think they try to convince one another to hold their shares in order to not flood the market and kill the price? Zuckerberg came out publicly in the beginning of September and said he wouldn't sell his shares for at least one year. That goes on in private too.
800M shares held by insiders and early investors are opened up for trade and you don't think they try to convince one another to hold their shares in order to not flood the market and kill the price? Zuckerberg came out publicly in the beginning of September and said he wouldn't sell his shares for at least one year. That goes on in private too.

that doesn't mean they won't be sold tomorrow, the next day, etc.

I don't mean this by any offense, either, but I take it you don't fully undestand how VC funds work, right?
800M shares held by insiders and early investors are opened up for trade and you don't think they try to convince one another to hold their shares in order to not flood the market and kill the price? Zuckerberg came out publicly in the beginning of September and said he wouldn't sell his shares for at least one year. That goes on in private too.

that doesn't mean they won't be sold tomorrow, the next day, etc.

I don't mean this by any offense, either, but I take it you don't fully undestand how VC funds work, right?

I think he just meant it was to screw a lot of short term traders.
To some degree yes, but mainly shorts, not short term investors.

The float that came out of lockup was majority VC backed. They have few resources at their disposal to combat a huge shorting on lockup which hurts their return. So they've worked into their agreements the ability to sell after lock up, not at lock up expiration.

Further, 3rd party firms have propped up who will lock in a price to sell at and then dispose on the open market at a later time. The VC can lock in gains without worrying of shorts. At the end of the day, the VC fund is looking out for their own and the investor interest, i wouldn't call it collusion. That's deal flow in Silicon Valley.
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