Yeah I'm in the same boat per funds. Waiting to see how these IPOs go for me to take a position in DDD.

AMBA breaking down some like I thought it would if it broke $30. I gotta step up my short selling knowledge, any reading material you guys recommend on this matter? I'm gonna reread Wiz's blog posts. That was a nice base of info.
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Missed ASPX's open and didn't play. Was already at 14.50 when I saw it and now it's at 15. Didn't wanna chase but oh well. Will be ready for the rest of today's slate.

In QURE a little high $16.71 but I left myself some room to buy a dip.
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Added some more to QURE, looking for a run toward 17.50. GNCA open now.

DDD rebounding.

In BIOC at 9.47

Didn't play GNCA, prob won't. Need to sell these ipo's by the end of the day.

Sold BIOC for a $200 loss got too many headaches with QURE which I added to. Avg price 16.65 just need 17 by end of day.
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I expected HEMP to keep sliding, fooled me. Don't see how it'll ever see that 52wk high again tho.
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Is nobody checking for MDBX anymore?

And what happened to BWLD? In the green AH yesterday, opened above close this AM, then just fell off a cliff :x

This guy though :lol: Hope it happens :nerd:
Wanted to set a personal record today and boy did I. Worst single day loss of my career :stoneface: no one to blame but myself for thinking a $500 profit in 3 minutes wasn't enough. Sold out of QURE for a loss. Could've trimmed a little and used my overnight margin for the rest but I decided to just move on completely. If it pops tomorrow which it probably will so be it.

2 steps forward, 2 steps back, just like my Knicks.
"Don't try to bank, just trade well"

Important advice in my advancement as a trader. When I tried to hit home runs I took losses. Now I just do my best to trade according to my analysis.
I got stopped out at 15.90 which I'm thankful for since that crapshack tanked sub-15. Had 3000 shares on margin so I lost a couple of g's. Live and you learn. I'll chip away tomorrow and get back to the green in due time.

"Don't try to bank, just trade well"

Important advice in my advancement as a trader. When I tried to hit home runs I took losses. Now I just do my best to trade according to my analysis.

Wise words, Wiz. I got caught up in hitting that homer instead of being happy with the double. Normally I'm frugal and just look to make small gains, but I wanted to take things to the next level. Just gotta be smarter and pick my spots better. Can't get greedy—gotta protect those profits.

Couple of tweets from TraderFlorida really stuck out to me last night, and they're hammered in my head for eternity now:

"The day that turns your life around. Disgust; Decision; Desire; Resolve. Resolve means promising yourself you’ll never give up."
"The enemies inside us: Indifference, Indecision, Doubt, Worry, and Over-caution. Indecision is the thief of opportunity"

I've been indecisive too many times; doubt and worry have chewed me up; indifference is the reason I missed most of the 2013 bull run; over-caution is why I've sold stocks much earlier than necessary.

Plus side is I'm full of resolve right now.

I'll be back in a few with a couple of stocks I'm eying tomorrow. Will be playing the IPO game again, this time I'll scale in correctly and have a tighter stop.
green mountain up 45%

LAWD HAMERCY! Wow. Entered into an agreement with Coke apparently. SODA down big because of it. Knew I should've looked into puts. Don't know how they became a trader's favorite.

TWTR and P down big. YELP up.
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:wow: came in to mention the GMCR news sheeeesh :lol: that's a huge pop lawd RIP to soda stream when that hits the market
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Crap. Didn't realize RetailMeNot's ER is tomorrow morning. Thought it was Friday. Was gonna buy puts......:nerd:

Gold is getting shaky.....might have to dip out of NUGT soon
That there pump and dump
Made a little bit off of expendable I had lying around. Of course I'm not saying it's soaring to a dollar or anything. Just thought I'd share, never saw a pump go up 690% in a day.
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Wanted to set a personal record today and boy did I. Worst single day loss of my career :stoneface: no one to blame but myself for thinking a $500 profit in 3 minutes wasn't enough. Sold out of QURE for a loss. Could've trimmed a little and used my overnight margin for the rest but I decided to just move on completely. If it pops tomorrow which it probably will so be it.

2 steps forward, 2 steps back, just like my Knicks.

Any chance QURE flexes tomorrow at open after terrible close?
Crap. Didn't realize RetailMeNot's ER is tomorrow morning. Thought it was Friday. Was gonna buy puts......:nerd:

Gold is getting shaky.....might have to dip out of NUGT soon

still dont know how that thing went public............ dot-com bubble 2.0 is reals
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