SEC ruined the fun man with those halts on select names. Citron was heavy with the "short MDBX" narrative. Worked out really well for them. Hell, a lot of their shorts have worked well in 2014. They released a negative report on JRJC today and the stock finally stopped ripping as the hit piece circulated. They're bulls on MOBI and BBRY as well. Both have been decent trading vehicles this year.

TURV is more of a farming and water play than strictly weed play, but bud has been how they've become more known so yeah. The sector has been saturated so that's part of the problem. So much bull out there that no one wants to risk holding o/n and getting halted. If they legalized the product the market would have more legitimacy but it would probably get even more saturated so it wouldn't matter.

DDD basing & breaking out? Still not thoroughly convinced by the sector though
Any thoughts for tomorrow?

My main watches are ACHN JCP for shorts and TVIX ARWR for longs. We will see if the market keeps trucking. I think a pullback is needed badly. I have a partial TVIX position 2.65 average that I've been holding since last week
Any thoughts for tomorrow?

My main watches are ACHN JCP for shorts and TVIX ARWR for longs. We will see if the market keeps trucking. I think a pullback is needed badly. I have a partial TVIX position 2.65 average that I've been holding since last week

damn you crazy to be messing with TVIX, isn't it double leveraged ETN? the decay will eat you up unless the market suddenly plunges. you're speculating, not investing - good luck.
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TVIX UVXY SDS FAZ etc. are designed to go to 0 reverse split and start over again but they provide good opportunities when the market gets chaotic. The key with playing these ETFs is to use a stop and not fight the trend. The only bad trade is the one without a plan. You can take anything long as there's liquidity and you know your exit strategy. Long as you stop out ibstead of add add add as the levered stuff works against you, you'll be ok.
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You're exactly right I'm speculating chiang2k6 chiang2k6 . I am comfortable with the risk vs reward and like JRS said I have a plan. If it works great, if not on to the next trade. SPY is at overbought levels that it usually corrects at
^ good luck my man! Don't overtrade like I did in the beginning

Actually I am going through a slump right now where I make good money pre-market and the first hour out of the open then I just let commissions eat into my profits by taking too many trades and getting greedy for home runs. Time to get back to the basics and just let singles and doubles add up. No need to swing for the fences every trade. End green everyday
^ I was nickel and diming for a bit too. I set a limit that I have to make 50$ per trade or it's just not worth it imo.
Been looking for some decent dividend paying stocks recently so my boy was telling me today how he bought 400 shares of AAPL during the recession for about $89. He ended up selling 300 shares to put a down payment on his condo but had he kept it not only would he have 2800 shares after the split at $100+ but he would be getting over $5k a year on dividends alone
Been looking for some decent dividend paying stocks recently so my boy was telling me today how he bought 400 shares of AAPL during the recession for about $89. He ended up selling 300 shares to put a down payment on his condo but had he kept it not only would he have 2800 shares after the split at $100+ but he would be getting over $5k a year on dividends alone :x

ooooof that hurts
Grabbed an AAPL call butterfly for .30 per 1 lot Sept 12 expiration. 102-104-106. Needs to be at 104 to get max profit.

Bidding on a FB call fly as well for .23 per 1 lot. Sept 26 expiration. 76-78-80. Like the way this one looks on the daily chart.

Bidding on an INVN call fly as well for .30 per 1 lot. Sept 20 expiration. 26-27.50-29. Like the way the daily chart looks as well. Taking flies for these swings to not be affected by time decay as much.

Edit: Filled FB at .27 and INVN at .3
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Any of you guys have an opinion on LVS? It's been my fail of 2014, I think the bad Atlantic City press is hurting the stock even tho their presence is mainly in Vegas/Macau.
Any of you guys have an opinion on LVS? It's been my fail of 2014, I think the bad Atlantic City press is hurting the stock even tho their presence is mainly in Vegas/Macau.
Just looking at the chart, it could be setting up for another flush lower if 66 cracks. Trading below the cloud on the daily

And testing the cloud's support on the weekly

I wouldn't be too interested in this one long aside from maybe trying to play a bounce on pulls to 66-65.75. If that area is breached, probably tests 63.30 area, and then potentially 61 area.

Macro picture, it could be resetting a little and may test the breakout area from 2013. Could be a potential bounce spot if that holds.

Any thoughts on GPRO? Got in at 45.20 and sold at 48.52, really regretting right now. Did not expect this!
Some incredible knowledge in this thread, thanks to all who have contributed, I am learning a lot from everybody in here.  Seeking a bit of advice from the vets.  Just starting out in the research phase of the market and am looking to pick up some more reading material before jumping into this.  My background, young physician a few years out of residency with medical loans all paid off last year, now with some capital looking to invest, but want to build my portfolio on my own (without a broker) through research and more of a long term investor focus rather than short term speculation focus.  I have read Benjamin Graham's "The Intelligent Investor" which I thought was absolutely brilliant along with Peter Lynch's "One Up On Wall Street" and Pat Dorsey's "The Five Rules For Successful Stock Investing."  Are there any other books out there that you guys might suggest I go through before attempting to do this on my own (perhaps with a bit more modern day/ current market focus?)  Also any forums out there that you guys use for market related material, trends, and advice?
AAPL and INVN :smh: was so close. Still a little time for them to reverse, we'll see. Same with FB but I still like this name to trade around 78 soon.
NDLS at 18 now :rofl:

Any thoughts on GPRO? Got in at 45.20 and sold at 48.52, really regretting right now. Did not expect this!

Took a strong look when it was hovering around 42. Never pulled the trigger :frown: :frown: :frown:

AAPL and INVN :smh: was so close. Still a little time for them to reverse, we'll see. Same with FB but I still like this name to trade around 78 soon.

What's going on here? Just got back from vacay and trying to catch my bearings.

Somebody mind writing cliffs for the past week? :lol:
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Pacific Crest downgraded AAPL this morning recommending investors take profits. I think this offers a buying opp though.

INVN had a rug pull. Looked too easy. They're supposed to be more involved in AAPL's products this go around, but suppliers are selling off. Got a little too bullish on this one. But I have until the 20th to see it trade within my butterfly.

DGLY made people rich/blew up accounts. Squeeze city with that one. Body cameras have been hot due to the Ferguson stuff.

AMBA reports tomorrow I believe. Chip maker supposedly for wearable video cameras.
AAPL sold off due to release of new Samsung products: Galaxy Note Edge, Note 4, and virtual headset.
Picked up a few $100 Oct calls on the dip. My target is around $105. Doesn't look good on the charts for AAPL if it dips below $97
Pacific Crest downgraded AAPL this morning recommending investors take profits. I think this offers a buying opp though.

INVN had a rug pull. Looked too easy. They're supposed to be more involved in AAPL's products this go around, but suppliers are selling off. Got a little too bullish on this one. But I have until the 20th to see it trade within my butterfly.

DGLY made people rich/blew up accounts. Squeeze city with that one. Body cameras have been hot due to the Ferguson stuff.

AMBA reports tomorrow I believe. Chip maker supposedly for wearable video cameras.

I didn't see news on the downgrade. thanks
Pacific Crest downgraded AAPL this morning recommending investors take profits. I think this offers a buying opp though.

INVN had a rug pull. Looked too easy. They're supposed to be more involved in AAPL's products this go around, but suppliers are selling off. Got a little too bullish on this one. But I have until the 20th to see it trade within my butterfly.

DGLY made people rich/blew up accounts. Squeeze city with that one. Body cameras have been hot due to the Ferguson stuff.

AMBA reports tomorrow I believe. Chip maker supposedly for wearable video cameras.

That $AAPL dip took every single company related to them with it as well...
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