TKMR damn near double since your initial post JRS :x

$325M for 10 years? :x

People weren't buying up his Nikes (minus special releases), there's no way people are going to be lining out the door KD's UA shoes. I don't think investors are gonna be too happy.

Theyve beat earnings every quarter tho

The costs of this signing would put a pretty big dent into the EPS, but do your thing.

there goes SPY :smh:

I'm mostly cash. So confused right now.
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That stop is way too wide for me but good luck. Should be fine over 66.20.

I need like 3 ripping days SPY I don't wanna chase shorts :smh:
I keep hearing it doesn't make sense for UA to sign KD because he has to sell $275m worth of b-ball product to pay for himself and he only sold $175m of Nike last year. What about the overall legitimizing of the brand he will bring, not to just the b-ball department? UA would have zero shot at getting a player of KD's caliber this early if it weren't for him being from DC. I applaud their risk taking and will be buying their stock.
I for one think UA is way too expensive. However, I did buy in a very small amount at $50 and sold at $70 so I think the buy opp is over.

TTM P/E of 88x on $0.77 compared to industry 20x and a consensus of $0.94 for 2014, I think it's hard to buy in at this point. Even with the Durant signing, they would have to grow revenue SIGNIFICANTLY to justify any upside. Of course people are paying this price because they see that growth but I'd rather wait for it to fall again, such as previously between March and May for a buy opportunity. UA has also seen some declining margins so that's a bit worrying

I love the company and think they will do great and continue to grow, but that does not by any means make their stock price worth its current value.
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Technically, UA has been holding well since that gap up.



You could potentially anticipate a move over 69 to break out of that flag and retest its recent swing high just shy of 71. But if it cracks that channel, it's filling the gap and you're looking at a $60-62 stock if the market continues selling off.

Gonna rep you guys that mentioned this name. Might look into day trading it next week.
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So here's my day.. Woke up around 4am out of nowhere so I check /ES on my phone, under 1900, sweet. Check TVIX position gapped upped printed 4.49 then it was hanging in the 4.30s. The position was up over 20% in a few days at this point. I put in a sell order at 4.47, being greedy. My plan last night was to sell on a gap up then get back in on weakness. SPY usually bounces at these RSI levels near 20 and TVIX usually pulls back at 70-80. I went back to bed. Needless to say the sell order never filled and I wake back up around 8 to see TVIX just fading and futures ripping so I thought about putting in another sell order but didn't. I added this afternoon at 4.10 to bring my average up to 3.72 which is still a green position even after the stock dumped into the close. Now I have my whole swing account in TVIX over the weekend because I saw a technical signal (very close) that could be significant. I'm sure you guys can see it too

Lesson of the story STICK TO YOUR PLAN! Sell into a gap up when RSI is indicating a pullback and always take >20% gains. You can buy back in after you lock in realized profit

1. Always have a plan going into the trade. Know your entry level, stop and target.

2. Keep losses small and wins big. We embrace small losses. A small loss or big gain means you are doing it right. Winning traders do not have small wins and big losses.

3. Your reward to risk ratio, determined by your target and stop, should be no less than 2:1

4. Know the simple formula to calculate reward to risk ratio: (Target-Entry)/(Entry-Stop)

5. When deciding on position size, focus on amount risked rather than percentage of your account. The amount risked is the potential loss (Entry price-Stop price)*shares. The amount risked should not be more than 2 percent of your account, preferably .5-1 percent.

6. Your target and stops should be determined by support and resistance levels, along with your risk ratio.

7. Stick with your target and stop once in a trade. Do not micro-manage your positions. Set it and forget it.

8. Set hard stops if you can’t watch the stock during the day.

9. We are traders, not stock pickers. Focus on risk and trade management, along with the setup.

10. Pay attention to the overall market when trading individual stocks. This will help you determine the overall bias of your portfolio.

11. Keep it simple. Use no more than 2 indicators on a chart. Indicators only reflect what we see in price and volume.

12. Bullish stocks should have a good volume pattern showing accumulation. This means volume on up days should outpace volume on down days. Bearish stocks should have a negative volume pattern showing distribution. This means volume on down days should outpace volume on up days.

13. The four keys to a setup are price pattern, volume pattern, support levels and resistance levels.

14. Use RSI to look for divergences at major pivot points and highs/lows. Use stochastic as an overbought/oversold indicator.

15. Moving averages provide strong support and resistance, and help identify trends

16. Small account holders, don’t worry about how “expensive” a stock is or how many shares you can buy. A volatile $300 stock that moves 10 percent is better than a $3 stock that moves 5 percent, regardless of your position size. Focus on percentage gains, not point gains.

17. Many factors go into my making a trade. If I don’t trade a focus list stock that hits it’s buy point , that does not mean it’s not a valid setup. It could be that I am over invested, have too many longs in a bearish market, or just taking a nap. Ultimately you are responsible for your trades. Do not rely on me.

18. Breakout pullbacks should be orderly with small price moves on the pullback and on low volume.

19. When I call something a “speculative trade”, it is just that, a toss up “gamble”. Trade it smart with good risk management, but know that anything can happen. If you can’t handle it, don’t trade it.

20. Have your focus list ready to start the trading day. Write down your entry,stop and target levels. A great free tool to keep a small watchlist is Finviz.

21. Every pattern is a breakout/breakdown, bottoming/topping or countertrend “reversion to the mean” setup. It doesn’t matter if it’s called a flag, pennant, rubberband or W bottom. Know the underlying action, not the terminology.

22. Understand that these patterns we trade are based human nature, fear and greed. We track and follow the big money. Never lose sight of what these patterns represent.

23. Keep a trade journal and study your trades at least once every quarter.
> Aug 11


DF - Dean Foods
GOGO - Gogo
MNKD - Mannkind Corp
NAT - Nordic American Tankers
PCLN - Priceline
SYY - Sysco Corp


ICPT - Intercept
NUAN - Nuance Communications
OPK - Opko Health
VTR - Ventas

> Aug 12


KATE - kate spade & Company


FOSL - Fossil Group
KING - King Digital
LQ - La Quinta Holdings
MYGN - Myriad Genetics

> Aug 13


DE - Deere & Company
M - Macy's
PF - Pinnacle Foods
WLH - William Lyon Homes


CSCO - Cisco Systems
NDLS - Noodles & Company
NTAP - NetApp
SLW - Silver Wheaton
VIPS - Vipshop Holdings

> Aug 14


AAP - Advance Auto Parts
KSS - Kohl's
PLUG - Plug Power
RRGB - Red Robin Gourmet Burgers
WMT - WalMart


A - Agilent Technologies
ADSK - Autodesk
AMAT - Applied Materials
JCP - JC Penny
JWN - Nordstrom

> Aug 15


JD -

MNKD - Apparently just announced a partnership with Sanofi :wow:
ICPT - Wonder what they have to say
KATE - If KORS is any indication, this might not be a good bet on the long side
VIPS - been running like a freight train
Reason No. 5005 to not listen to the geniuses on CNBC, Brian Kelly mentioned shorting AAPL in the 94s. Well, if you did and didn't cover quickly on Friday, you're getting squeezed right now. Trade the trend and price action, not what some genius tells you to do.

TKMR is a good example of using set risk to s/s after peaking out around 26.


I didn't take any since my buying power is low and I probably wouldn't be able to locate any shares via ETrade. But you could've shorted that pop where the first X is with your risk to the high of the day, covered the flush (preferably at least 3/4 of the position since this stock could trap shorts and you never want to fight the grind), then added back on at the second x anticipating that 24.36 crack. Cover that flush and call it a day once 23s held and it started to grind back. It's back over 24 now and trending well. Shorts could squeeze this one to 30 if they have the add add add mentality and fight the trend.

Edit: looks like 24.36 became resistance and that 23.20 level just cracked. Bear flagging now intraday.
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TKMR's action this afternoon is why I'd cover into flushes. You let some of these names base long enough at their lows and they'll grind and trap.

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Lots of hurt today for some select stocks.

TKMR, KATE, NUAN, RAX, MNKD, ICPT with a huge fade

I feel like BNNY is a takeover candidate. They make a great product, but they have issues with organic wheat prices and inflation. Stock looks like it's gonna take out the recent swing low of 27.86. Gonna be eying this one and that level if it holds. Wish it had more volume option wise though.
bought $NUAN calls today. october 17s at .50 per

For the love of all that is good can this be the bottom for this stock? geez.
You've got some iron balls for playing that name still. Hope it works out really well for you.

KING is such garbage.

KATE was evil today. FNMA did something similar to this earlier in the year. Gotta be careful when trying to bounce something. Market doesn't care about anything.

Wiz or anyone, you ever use the Ichimoku Cloud? Been learning it a little past few days. Interesting way to quickly gauge a stock's health, evaluate risk, price targets, etc. Works best on Daily it seems.
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I've always been bearish on ARO, but this looks like it could be bottoming action.


ER on the 21st, so be mindful of that. Wouldn't be surprised to see it in the 2s then.
I used to feel like the cloud was noise since there's a lot going on but if you use it just to look over something quickly it has it's benefits.

Was some big call buying in ARO yesterday. Lot of Jan 3s bought for under a buck. When I played it a while back the idea was this company gets taken private.
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