Official Stock Market & Economy Thread

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

i'd get out financials while you can. none of them look bullish at all yet besides goldman. JPM just broke down on heavy volume at it 50dma yesterday. that suggests it is just beginning its fall. JPM is the most important stock to most financial ETFs, XLF UYG SKF FAZ FAS etc. heavily weighted component.

sohu is looking very strong over $50.
In school all day, missed the opportunity to get out above 9. If it dips above 9 or below 8 I'm out.
dky, when do you see the financial's recovering?

edit: today first day since '03 we didn't get above 8k.
FYI if anybody is looking for a good gold stock to jump into, EGO is looking good. Beginning to break out from its cup and handle.
Thought this would be of interest.


btw, Financials now used as trading vehicles.
How the mighty have fallen.

BAC is a beast for trading though. Trades within 5-6.50/7 so far.
DRYS also looking like it's becoming a trading vehicle within the shippers.

Insolvent= trading vehicle.

Yayo, have you looked into DGP? Double Long Gold. What's your take on it?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

btw, Financials now used as trading vehicles.
How the mighty have fallen.

Insolvent= trading vehicle.
Pretty much, that's why there's so much opportunity to make serious $$ right now and really for the next few months at least.

Hell, that's why I'm doing it.
i actually highlighted DGP on my blog. for now, it's fine, but eventually counterparty risk and bullion holdings risk could make it a risky position.

GG is lookin like its about to break out.

i have three gold stocks up over 10% today.

again, we may dip to 7500, probably not, but either way, the LEADING stocks that i've been pointing out have bottomed and finished basing and now lookBULLISH.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

i actually highlighted DGP on my blog. for now, it's fine, but eventually counterparty risk and bullion holdings risk could make it a risky position.

GG is lookin like its about to break out.

i have three gold stocks up over 10% today.

again, we may dip to 7500, probably not, but either way, the LEADING stocks that i've been pointing out have bottomed and finished basing and now look BULLISH.
Yeh that's why I didn't feel comfortable holding for an extended run. These leverage funds are double edged swords.
Originally Posted by nicefro

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

btw, Financials now used as trading vehicles.
How the mighty have fallen.

Insolvent= trading vehicle.
Pretty much, that's why there's so much opportunity to make serious $$ right now and really for the next few months at least.

Hell, that's why I'm doing it.
heh, there's always opportunity to make serious $$

How does the FED manipulate the market by putting in a floor at 8000? What I mean is, what is it that they do specifically
Cisco came out with their earnings a few days back and their CEO claimed they were 'very-well positioned', I think I'll do well with them.

DKY my dad is always on/off about GoldCorp, is the right play right now to just buy and hold for about 9 months-year? He screws around with his portfolio waytoo much and I'd love it if he didn't lose any more retirement money.
Originally Posted by truth 15


How does the FED manipulate the market by putting in a floor at 8000? What I mean is, what is it that they do specifically
They go directly into the market and purchase equity and futures contracts, therefore artificially inflating the market.
DKY - I know you haven't talked about this one in a while, but what do u think of AIPC? I got in 2 weeks ago, and its up 15% this morning on real goodearnings! Not sure whether to hold on or sell on strength tho..?

On the other hand, getting killed on USO..oil keeps falling
USO is actually a bad ETF to track oil, according to a recent article. Lots of investors switching to USL. Something about overexposure to contango by pickingnear month future contracts.

Fed manipulates by using primary dealers to purchase massive blocks of index futures, to which most institutions have algorithmic trading systems tied to. Thisleads to massive equity purchases by instutitions, leading to upward movement in the market.

Goldcorp is great, I own it.

AIPC is a great company, I'm glad I held into earnings, no reason to sell here but to take a little bit of profit.

Won't be as bad as the great depression, will be closer to 70s stagflation but worse.
market is at a very significant resistance level, rallied to it on low volume. if we dont break out from this level, we could sell off big. only to reverse onmassive volume, though, of course.

ferts are looking strong, 100 DMA has historically been their institutional buy/sell point and theyre bouncing off their 100DMAs right now.

techs are strong, aapl goog.

my favorite energy stock chk is doing well.

golds doing well, gold stocks seem to be consolidating yesterdays big gains.

financials are in a bear flag and if we turn down, they will go down hard. worthless companies. although goldman is holding up very well, even though it hasthe highest CDS spreads of all the major still-solvent banks.
PALM is breaking out.. if volume comes in, this could move huge.

SRS and SKF both look ready to move out of descending triangles, but I won't play them for more than a few grand each for a swing trade-- too much threatof Fed manipulation.

NVEC nice 200DMA bounce today in a bull flag.

another two stocks up over 10% today... PALM and AIPC.
Holy crap the last hour was intense. Looks like shorters covering their positions for the 3-day weekend.
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