Official Supreme Thread FW20 Done. Sale? Perhaps.

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San Fran I appreciate the effort .... now tag the ish out of the board

They just listen to “I’m too sexy” and open all
The stores there.
But do you still shop there and wear the brand?

I do. But I don't shop as much as when the store first opened. I haven't gone to the LA store since 2014/15. Plus the older stuff is way nicer than what's being made now. With that said, it is what it is. Look at Nike. I still buy Nike even with the fake support for Colin K., sexual harassment from their executives, sweat shop labor..... Just pointing out that companies will work with people like Terry R because they're talented. You think this stuff was new or fresh? Terry R was exposed years before that and companies let it slide until they couldn't anymore. Models still went to him even with all the sexual harassment, rape...... rumors circulating within the industry. It's no different than Harvey Weinstein.
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