Official Supreme Thread FW20 Done. Sale? Perhaps.

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They can still all those things without announcing a drop date, like they did with the Brooklyn bogo I think

brooklyn and SF logos were store opening box logos that they ended up throwing up for charity. not the same thing

japan quake tee was announced
Yea the mats I suppose
I ran my bot for a mat and I got a mat. Red gets here today. I ran my bot again for tees and struck out. Only got 1 out of 3 in the colors I wanted. I could of manually got them in other colors but I sat and waited too long.
Everybody gonna get one of these.
Hope Supreme will be able to control the bots this Friday. It’ll be messed up if they don’t for a relief tee.

Lets get it.

What do you guys expect resell to be? I am still holding onto a Bandanna Hoodie I am willing to sell/trade for this if I miss out.
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