***Official Tattoo Thread: Inked-4-Life Vol.2***

Got this done last night. Hit up @cakeduplok ! He is located in Greenbelt, MD. Charge $100 the hour. Got these pieces done. Next session gettn the aura and fill ins plus one more piece and piece from elbow to shoulder.


my Dude ... That Jesus is beat ... The eyes nose mouth hands ... Not a good look ...

But as long as you happy ...
Finally finished my hip hop sleeve. Left this part for 6years cos I am slack

And had this done just cos, **** it!
I like it haha.
Will lighten up after the reds gone


As mentioned in an earlier post, I was interested in getting a sak yant in Thailand. I was able to get it done last Tuesday. The lettering was fine for the first 3 days but I'm not sure what the hell happened. Everything is now blotchy af and I can't even make out the lettering anymore. Is this what a tattoo "blowout" is? I contacted the artist and he said it's normal and that'll it look fine in another week. Not sure if I fully believe it as it just looks like a blob right now. Any bros ever experience this on their ink? I probably have over 20 hours of ink done and this is the first I've seen this.
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I doubt it but its a bit hard to say after 3 days.

My leg had a similar experience around the stretchy and fatty areas with the outlining. Some of the lines went back to normal and some didn't. It was a traditional style tattoo so it isn't noticeable. but that took like a month.

Your skin is raised so it may be the swelling and scabbing. Plus the tattoo is red so it matches the swelling and raised skin so there is really no telling.

Wait it out and don't panic. Take care of your skin in the meantime. I honestly think your just healing. I've looked into those sak yant tattoos and that appears relatively normal for healing.
Thanks for the input. I'll wait another week and see how it heals up. Hopefully it's just swollen right now and will heal fine.
Hey guys. So im thinking of getting a tattoo on my back right shoulder blade of scorpion from mortal kombat. I'm having a tough time deciding what picture to use. Any ideas you guys think will look good on my shoulder blade?
Itching for something new. Is there another forum you guys check out to find inspiration and artists?
As mentioned in an earlier post, I was interested in getting a sak yant in Thailand. I was able to get it done last Tuesday. The lettering was fine for the first 3 days but I'm not sure what the hell happened. Everything is now blotchy af and I can't even make out the lettering anymore. Is this what a tattoo "blowout" is? I contacted the artist and he said it's normal and that'll it look fine in another week. Not sure if I fully believe it as it just looks like a blob right now. Any bros ever experience this on their ink? I probably have over 20 hours of ink done and this is the first I've seen this.


Thats not a damn blowout. That looked infected man...
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These dudes are like they say they love cars then you roll up in your brand new camry and say hey broz, u think this will get me around town? I saved up im proud of it--Then these guys say eww disgusting if youre not buying porsche or audi just stay out of cars altogether

Theres a balance between celebrating and recognizing the best stuff and condemning everything that doesnt exceed your highest standards

Your jesus and mary are dope, respect.

Youd think people that dont call out someone who says "i want somethig from famous artist x, but i dont even know what i want" wouldnt call out dude who knows exactly what he wants and gets it done from his local people

This culture goes back way farther back than internet critics and most of the old heads who kept it alive for decades wouldnt pass muster with internet spitball throwers. Dudes were paying rent in shops when you critics were in diapers. Just admit that you hate 98% of tattoos and be done with it lol

All love i just think thats messed up when dude gets dumped on like that. I guess internet crowds enforce internet standards

Youre missing the point. I agree in the sense that his verbage was a little rude: ie using the word beat. But I also agree that it isnt a very well done tattoo. The face does look off.

You didnt have to write a whole paragraph.
As mentioned in an earlier post, I was interested in getting a sak yant in Thailand. I was able to get it done last Tuesday. The lettering was fine for the first 3 days but I'm not sure what the hell happened. Everything is now blotchy af and I can't even make out the lettering anymore. Is this what a tattoo "blowout" is? I contacted the artist and he said it's normal and that'll it look fine in another week. Not sure if I fully believe it as it just looks like a blob right now. Any bros ever experience this on their ink? I probably have over 20 hours of ink done and this is the first I've seen this.


Thats not a damn blowout. That looked infected man...

Yea, a blow it is when a line spreads. That looks like an allergic reaction, which is know to happen with some red inks.

Thats not a damn blowout. That looked infected man...
Yea, a blow it is when a line spreads. That looks like an allergic reaction, which is know to happen with some red inks.

Yeah, it turned out that I was allergic to the red ink. I contacted my regular artist when I was overseas since he wanted to see it. He told me that it was an allergic reaction and to just let it dry-heal over the next few weeks.

The tattoo healed fine now although some of it is still blotchy probably from the irritation.

Not the best picture but you can see how it healed.

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