***Official Tattoo Thread: Inked-4-Life Vol.2***

Mt tattoo artist Davis Sena of www.senaspace.com is featured in this months issue of Flash Tattoo magazine January 2013 edition. My octopus tattoo made the cover and i took about 3 pages of his write up





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Nice as always. I ended up going to Rodrigo Melo out of North Star. Just curious, are you David's like, favorite? Seems your always featured in his interviews and stuff. And I dont mean favorite necessarily just as a person, but favorite tattoos hes done.
Anyone watch Ink Master? I know it's lame and fake drama but is Chris Nunez highly respected in the tattoo world? I saw him on Miami Ink back a few years but he just seems like a dickhead.
How do yall come up with the final designs? 

When I get mines.. I draw it out.. Then bring it to the artist.. Work with him and his strengths.. I like to be original and spontaneous but always have a meaning.
I have a basic idea of what I want, but my art skills is that of a 6 year old :lol: Like I'm better off not getting a tatt altogether if I'm gonna draw it myself :smh:
I have a basic idea of what I want, but my art skills is that of a 6 year old
Like I'm better off not getting a tatt altogether if I'm gonna draw it myself
You dont need to draw. Just print our references, bring it to the artist, tell him what you want and watch the magic happen.

And to the poster about Inkmasters. I said it before in this topic, but the way that show is edited makes everyone look like complete ****heads.
Honestly (and this might be just me) if you watch shows like LA Ink or Miami Ink, that is a decent way of how you should approach your tattoos. Like come in with ideas, try and give a general images of what you want on your piece and the tattoo artists should come out with his or her own interpretation of what he or she thinks you want. It should more of a lengthy process with revisions and minor tweaks here and there. If all else fails and you still hate the imagery, just walk away and there should be no harm done. The number one important thing is to go to a tattoo artist that can actually draw something out for you. Most, if not all, should be capable of this and if not, then they aren't the tattooer you should be going to.

And if anyone has been watching, the 4th episode of Thom Devita: http://www.vice.com/tattoo-age/thom-devita-part-4
You guys need to check out Emily Rose Murray out of Australia. Her woman heads are amazing.

She said in her blog or website that she wont travel til 2016. I would love a full back piece from her. Fong, you recall anyone on the East coast that does similar work?

She has an IG, just forgot it. It may be emily_rose_murray

Theres better pics on her IG.
^^^^^Wow....she is dope. That first one looks rad as hell. Reminds me of that German chick I follow (Annie Frenzel). Well sort of but not really.


This is sick!


I bet that guy Seth Wood from Saved Tattoo can tattoo stuff like this as well.
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You guys need to check out Emily Rose Murray out of Australia. Her woman heads are amazing.

She said in her blog or website that she wont travel til 2016. I would love a full back piece from her. Fong, you recall anyone on the East coast that does similar work?

She has an IG, just forgot it. It may be emily_rose_murray

Theres better pics on her IG.
im not a fan of ink to say the least but this girl got talent
^^^^^Wow....she is dope. That first one looks rad as hell. Reminds me of that German chick I follow (Annie Frenzel). Well sort of but not really.

This is sick!

I bet that guy Seth Wood from Saved Tattoo can tattoo stuff like this as well.
I follow Annie as well, they both tattoo the same style for lack of a better word, but Emily is more...well adds a demonic touch to her work, for lack of a better word.

Im not a devil worshipper or anything
but from an art/tattoo standpoint her work looks really nice.
anyone done laser removal, im going for my third session today and its more painful than a tattoo itself. im getting an old tattoo removed on my chest so i can have a full fluid chest piece
Posted this in TAN a few days ago (oops).

@jamestex on instagram


Not sure if I have the cojones for a back piece but they sure are nice to look at.
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I wonder how long a back piece takes. I know a full sleeve can take anywhere from 15-20, 25 hours. And thats for a Japanese sleeve depending on how detailed and how your artists' pace is. Back piece has to be atleast 30-40 hours, jeez.
This back piece below belongs to some guy that I went to college with. I saw him when I got my dragon done and he said it was like his 9-10th sit and I've seen at least 3-4 more sits on Yurtado's Instagram since then. I am assuming he has already spent 7-8k on his back and he is going down to his butt area as well.


This was the last update he put up of his back....or butt:


And Yurtado did this as well. Man that Koi is so sick!

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Emily Rose female faces are SO sick.

Here is a pic of my sleeve in progress.

It is a TWO headed tiger on one body (One serious, one goofy for my personality. Add in the fact that I'm a Gemini and born in the year of the Tiger). There is also a knot in the tail because I'm always random and never make any sense most of the time.

These pics are raw from my second session about two weeks ago. You can still see the blood oozing out. :x

I don't have a pic of the second head, but the goofy face has his tongue out.

Everything was my idea, I just expressed it to my artist.




I have a few more sessions, background outline and coloring for that. Be done by summer 2013 I hope.
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8-9 sittings? How many hours a session? Man getting tatted on the *** must suck.
I hear right behind your kidneys hurt too.

That koi is sick, thats exactly how im getting both my koi's colored in. Mainly black with yellow/orange highlights.

^ Man that tiger is sick bruh. Placement is cool, and I like the shade of orange he used. You need better pics of the other tiger head though.
Cant eem see that.
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Done in three hours today. I have another session in February to finish it up. Most of it was fine, but damn some parts hurt like a MF'er. The most inferior part of the piece and the bottom of the wing on the left side of the picture were the worst. The shading burned like hell. Probably because my skin was already sensitive from the outline.

It's a twist on the Rod of Aesclepius (Greek God of medicine and healing).
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