***Official Tattoo Thread: Inked-4-Life Vol.2***

lol. You came to a body mod thread to tantalize me about my body?

NT never fails to prove it's full of clowns.
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Ask your artists recommendation after the session when they address after care.

My artist would just tell me to leave it wrapped through the first night then to wash it twice a day with antibacterial soap and just let it dry heal until the fourth day.  I know my skin would not fair well if it stayed wrapped any longer than that.
After each session , I left it wrapped for 6 hrs , then rubbed aquafor on . When you wash it is up to you . I waited until the next day to shower just to make sure the fresh ink sets . As the healing starts I try to keep it moist , again with the aquafor . I still like to let it breathe . When the itching starts I usually end my showers with cold water . As for the on and off wrapping for 3 days , it depends what the tatt will be exposed to every day . You want to let it beater to heal faster .When your skin starts to peel I recommend switching from aquafor to scent free aveeno baby lotion . Hope this helps a little .
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lol. only an idiot would assume that I don't eat. It's a fast metabolism. I know better than to expect any signs of intelligence from NT clowns.
Why the kslkmlkm would you shower after getting a tattoo? The ink really does come out if you do that :smh:

Even pressing on it the next day can make the damn thing bleed.
Lmaooooo @ fast metabolism myth. Anyone can gain weight. Hell outta here.

lol. "Myth". The willfully ignorant. Not only do I have fast metabolism I have a condition that stops me from gaining weight. ****** idiot. Don't even reply.

I never eat because I always sleep until the last minute. It's not that bog of a deal.

Let em be ignorant fam.
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You have a condition now?

Should've said that from the beginning.

The ability to not be able to gain weight due to fast metabolism is a myth.
It aint and you gotta be ******ed to think it is a myth. Ectomorphs in general have a hard time even without fast metabolism. But you also think eating makes a difference before a tattoo so your expertise on myths is **** at best.

I do have a condition. Why so you can make a pathetic attempt to clown me for that? People who work with others with that condition should be able to tell what it is from that pic alone. But you NT clowns won't be able to. It would take someone who aint willfully ignorant.
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He's right on the fact that you can gain weight on a fast metabolism... I was cutting weight this year at 3k calories, and I definitely gained weight.

As for your condition, I couldn't speak on that, so it may truly be hard for you to gain weight.
Well then you of all people know not all fast metabolisms are equally fast. Knew a football player in high school who couldnt gain weight despite getting the training, exercise, and food he needs. On a 4,000 calorie diet I wasnt gaining weight.

As for my condition I wont get much into it. It is possible that it is the determining factor for me not being able to gain weight but I'll never know.
4000 yikes.

Well good luck G. I don't know about the condition so idk.

I went from 135 - 175 in 14 months. First bulk ever did.
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After each session , I left it wrapped for 6 hrs , then rubbed aquafor on . When you wash it is up to you . I waited until the next day to shower just to make sure the fresh ink sets . As the healing starts I try to keep it moist , again with the aquafor . I still like to let it breathe . When the itching starts I usually end my showers with cold water . As for the on and off wrapping for 3 days , it depends what the tatt will be exposed to every day . You want to let it beater to heal faster .When your skin starts to peel I recommend switching from aquafor to scent free aveeno baby lotion . Hope this helps a little .
Dont wrap it again after taking the intial wrap off. Your tattoo needs to breathe.
Why the kslkmlkm would you shower after getting a tattoo? The ink really does come out if you do that

Even pressing on it the next day can make the damn thing bleed.
Are you serious? Its perfectly fine to shower an hour or two after a tattoo, just pat dry. The ink does not come off. Where the hell did you hear that from? 
It aint and you gotta be ******ed to think it is a myth. Ectomorphs in general have a hard time even without fast metabolism. But you also think eating makes a difference before a tattoo so your expertise on myths is **** at best.

I do have a condition. Why so you can make a pathetic attempt to clown me for that? People who work with others with that condition should be able to tell what it is from that pic alone. But you NT clowns won't be able to. It would take someone who aint willfully ignorant.
For someone with 2 small tattoos, you really seem to be an expert huh.

It makes a WORLD of difference if you eat before getting tattooed. You'll sit better, wont get dizzy, etc etc. There was ONE time I did not eat during a session for my Japanese sleeve and I felt like crap the entire session. I was cold the entire time basically.

Ectomorph is not a condition, to my understanding its a body type. My friend is an ectomorph and can get weight by hitting the gym hard and using mass gainers. Hes gone from 160-170 to about 185 which is a huge difference.
So I'm getting tatted on Saturday and I am wondering what products do you all use for tattoo after care and what process (how often do you clean etc)? How do you all feel about wrapping and unwrapping every 3 hours for 2-3days thats what my boy does, but I'm not too sure about it. Just trying to make sure this tattoo heals correctly, because last time i had alot of scabbing I slacked on the after care  :smh: .

As has been said here it really depends on you, how your body responds to the tattoo and what your artist recomends. For everything I've ever gotten I've:

- left it wrapped overnight,
- gently washed the tattoo the following morning with scent-free soap and warm water to get some of the residue off,
- pat it dry afterwards and left the tattoo to breathe over the next 2-3 days,
- moisturized with scent-free Lubiderm after those 2-3 days (or whenever your skin starts to really dry up and crack),
- all the while avoiding direct contact with the shower head when taking a bath.

You just need to find a routine that works for you.
For someone with 2 small tattoos, you really seem to be an expert huh.

It makes a WORLD of difference if you eat before getting tattooed. You'll sit better, wont get dizzy, etc etc. There was ONE time I did not eat during a session for my Japanese sleeve and I felt like crap the entire session. I was cold the entire time basically.

Ectomorph is not a condition, to my understanding its a body type. My friend is an ectomorph and can get weight by hitting the gym hard and using mass gainers. Hes gone from 160-170 to about 185 which is a huge difference.

Co-sign on eating before getting tattooed. It's mainly about keeping your blood-sugar levels up; I skipped a meal before getting both of my inner forearms done and started getting dizzy an hour into the session.
For someone with 2 small tattoos, you really seem to be an expert huh.

It makes a WORLD of difference if you eat before getting tattooed. You'll sit better, wont get dizzy, etc etc. There was ONE time I did not eat during a session for my Japanese sleeve and I felt like crap the entire session. I was cold the entire time basically.

Ectomorph is not a condition, to my understanding its a body type. My friend is an ectomorph and can get weight by hitting the gym hard and using mass gainers. Hes gone from 160-170 to about 185 which is a huge difference.

I have two very large tattoos on my back. I have said this over and over again. I said I was lasering them off. On top of that I have 3 very large ones on my thighs and one small one on my shoulder. No I didnt eat for a single one. Yes those 6 tattoos does qualify me more than some of you.

I didnt say ectomorph is a condition. I said ectormorphs do have trouble gaining weight .

****. You guys try so hard. :lol:

And that's why I don't share my work.
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After each session , I left it wrapped for 6 hrs , then rubbed aquafor on . When you wash it is up to you . I waited until the next day to shower just to make sure the fresh ink sets . As the healing starts I try to keep it moist , again with the aquafor . I still like to let it breathe . When the itching starts I usually end my showers with cold water . As for the on and off wrapping for 3 days , it depends what the tatt will be exposed to every day . You want to let it beater to heal faster .When your skin starts to peel I recommend switching from aquafor to scent free aveeno baby lotion . Hope this helps a little .

Dont wrap it again after taking the intial wrap off. Your tattoo needs to breathe.

Why the kslkmlkm would you shower after getting a tattoo? The ink really does come out if you do that :smh:

Even pressing on it the next day can make the damn thing bleed.

Are you serious? Its perfectly fine to shower an hour or two after a tattoo, just pat dry. The ink does not come off. Where the hell did you hear that from? :lol:

Yeah... I was thinking that too... Not showering cause it pulls the ink? Maybe if you're showering in scalding hot water...

I never actively planned to eat before a tattoo. Never got dizzy, but it's good to learn something new.
Why the kslkmlkm would you shower after getting a tattoo? The ink really does come out if you do that :smh:

Even pressing on it the next day can make the damn thing bleed.

i can't not shower afterwards... gotta get all that dry blood and vaseline off me. that **** just feels some sort of uncomfortable
^i hit the gym. This is me with gym time. IDK why but I tend to suck in when taking pics of my sides. I do it w/o realizing. As a kid you used to be able to basically see through me. :lol: Most people with my condition are the same way but it varies. There are some professional athletes with the same condition but their training regiment would likely send me to the hospital. There are people with my condition that practically live in the hospital. I was one of those kids but my condition got better. tbt most that is known about the condition is relatively new. Even the first diagnosis of this condition, despite being a disease thousands of years old, and most cases are within a certain geographic area so no one really cares. I dont have it as bad as a lot of people but I never had a chance at pro athleticism.

EDIT: Me with gym time not gains.
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