Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

Also no raffle tickets at champs but the girl wrote down some random number? No idea what that was about
HOH Yonge line is getting longer, slow moving line.
Yonge Champs, said the raffle is over one day only.
Adidas Originals queen, raffle starts tomorrow.
Surprised theyve not been in trouble for blocking the entrance

Security came and talked with a Champs manager I believe, the manager split the line in front of the h&m entrance so people aren't blocking it now. Manager has to stand outside for the rest of the day now I guess lol
the lines were long at EC FTL and Yonge FTL but were moving decent (this was about 15 mins ago).  EC FTL has 2 ppl signing up ppl whereas HoH has one girl sitting at the table and you fill in the forms.  She was letting up to 3 ppl sign up if they were different sizes.

Champs EC right now...
I really wonder how they do these raffles. FT does not give you tickets so really how is it done. Blind fold a person and they just point to a part of the page and bamm WINNER WINNER
I would guess/hope that the just random number generator it. FL Europe contracts a third party company to do the draw, that's intense but very fair. Also are the red numbers underneath each size the stock? If so fl ec had 3 11.5, 4 12s and 1 13!!.
Around 30 people at Champs YD for some reason.


Line turned into 50ish. People thinking it's the Starbucks line. 2 workers signin up so it's still pretty quick.
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What time does the yorkdale raffles go till today, I want to try to swing by after work
I just received the Spacejams from FTL. Pretty fast in my opinion. They still just use plastic to ship it.. smh. Luckily the box is in great condition.
Wow that's fast lol. 

Curious, does your order show up under your account? 

Still don't see mine under my account, perhaps my pair will not be coming..
Wow that's fast lol. 

Curious, does your order show up under your account? 

Still don't see mine under my account, perhaps my pair will not be coming..
actually I take that back, i received a shipping confirmation as well lol but order doesnt show up on my account though.
EC CHAMPS about 40min wait- 2 girls at the desk
ECFTL- 20min two girls
FL HOH- 20-30min 1 girl but she lets u fill it in yourself if there's three diff sizes, three can go at the same time.
Took me about an hour and 20 mins to do all downtown eaton raffles. Next up is yorkdale -__-

On another note shoutout to footlocker EC for letting like 10 people cut in the front of the line smh.
EC FTL line is all the way to the subway entrance. Ridiculous. I'm gonna be late 20 mins getting back to work, fml.
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