Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

Yeah, stuck uptown. Had i known I would've called in sick or half day to make sure. oh well

In any case, this is way better than having to camp out. At least you can catch the reseller mobs

off guard and get lucky.
PM me if you got an 11.5 or an 11 in the black/reds, I can def return the favor

Only a few dudes I know that actually will come through and return the favour. This guy is one of them.

How do people find out this stuff so fast I just want a size 8 of the bands man:smh:  

Also if anyone have a size 8 for a reasonable price pm

I just explained on the previous page how.
Also one of the 'I was stuck at work' guys over here.

I'm just trying to catch a third pair of Black/Red I's, can I live?
lol 3rd pair....some of us trying to get one hahah
this...struck out on the 2013, struck out on these, can't even get a pair for $400ish from resellers. Starting to think Bred 1's are just not meant to be for me 
Also one of the 'I was stuck at work' guys over here.

I'm just trying to catch a third pair of Black/Red I's, can I live?

Yeah you shouldn't have mentioned the third pair part. :lol:

I haven't checked but that's what people are asking for, $400+? aren't these flooded everywhere?
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I don't mind taking my L here, can't afford it when the Royals drop next year those are tops for me

Tried my Nike+ reserve again and this time it went through!!!

Now I don't feel too left out of the 2 drops today :smokin
scooped a sz 13, was the only thing left and i had spent an hour lining up for them so i wasn't going to pass

found a pair of sz 8.5s for $320, willing to sell mine for 320 to cover the cost of the purchase
Where did you find a pair for 320?
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