Official Travis Scott x Jordan Thread ...

LMAO oh man, I think people are definitely spending their stimulus on sneakers :lol:
I've been following the TS1 in my size which has been selling for around $1300 for the longest and this morning somebody just bought a pair for $1642 lol.

Welp, looks like I'm back out again.
This is only the initial wave too from people who have direct deposit. Imagine when all the checks start to arrive.

man any hopes of me getting these TS1 Highs just went out the door :lol:
Just when it was looking hopeful with the steady drop in price, we gonna see a spike with these stimulus buyers... then you add the extra buyer fee that StockX is going to charge from 4/22 onwards too... shiiiiieeeet :lol:
I mean, I get it. This stimulus check is like extra pocket change for some people because they still getting paid from their regular job. But if I'm getting $1,200 in free money I'm gonna make sure I'm getting $1,200 worth of stuff. Not $175 worth of stuff for $1,200.
Can't even lie, deep down I wanna blow it on a pair of Union 1s or TS1 lows. :smh:

Buuuuuuut the responsible adult in me says invest that extra bread into my own business.
I say blow bi*** a** Trumps measly stimulus money on what you like and continue to save from your paycheck if you still working during this time... maybe thats just my thinking...
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