Official Travis Scott x Jordan Thread ...

express pass only speeds you up a little bit so instead of a 45 min wait, its a 20 min wait, and you can only reserve 1 ride at a time.

i mean when i go, we stay as a group and dont split up for the most part, so 1 ride at a time isnt an issue. id take 20 mins over 45 mins anyday. you cant go to an amusement park and expect zero wait time. thats the nature of going to an amusement park.
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:stoneface: :blush::sick::smh::rofl:

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This thread moves so fast.
Hope everyone gets a W on Saturday!

While they all give you the side eye

first u get the stank looks from the kids on the line, then they turn and give their parent the stank look like why we cant have that?, and then as a result the parents giving u da stank look lmao

stank looks all around. its not something i do too often, so when i do, i dont mind paying the extra to cut down on lines.
When can we starts camping out at foot action for the saturdays release.
Friday midnight is good for going there
Its not mine
His first name is Nathan


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Shieeeeet you trippin. If it's 3 hours for a guaranteed pair? Of course I'll be out there.

I did 3 unexpectedly for the Travis AF1 Sail. I got in line and it was moving much slower than I thought it would. I had nothing else going on, so I stuck with it.
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